The Illuminati control the CIA, MI6 and other intelligence agencies. This is their "Shadow Government" that orchestrates the global narcotics business, sex slavery with MK-Ultra multiples, pedophilia, and various other covert operations. Adnan Kashoggi is probably just a "Front Man" and "Fall Guy" for these Western Intelligence Agencies. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Libya were all led by CIA/Mossad/MI6 operatives installed via military coup.
What is intriguing about the various ruling parties in the Middle East, is that they were taken from the ethnic minorities. This guaranteed loyalty to the Illuminati out of fear of a being overthrown by the countrys' ethnic majority. When a leader, like the Shah, became a liability, he was replaced with a fresh face.
What makes Iran intriguing, is that it could be argued that the Islamist revolution was actually a Western Intelligence Operation designed to lay the groundwork for the ultimate conflict between Christianity and Islam. Kashoggi was right in the thick of things.
"Khashoggi was a very sophisticated businessman who operated from multiple front companies in Switzerland and Lichtenstein, which handled his commissions and oversaw contracts with CIA officers James Critchfield and Kim Roosevelt, and Bebe Rebozo who was a US businessman and Nixon associate. However, just the next year in 1986, Khashoggi was implicated in the Iran-Contra Affair and put a damper on his activities. The Iran-Contra Affair was an agreement by the US Government to sell arms to Iran even though the US was in the midst of an arms embargo with Iran. The clandestine sales transaction was made in the hopes of facilitating the release of the Iran hostages and allowing US intelligence agencies to fund the “contras” in Nicaragua. It was deals like this that made Khashoggi the richest man in the World by the mid-1980’s." (Ibid)
The Iran-Contra affair exposed the fact that the CIA was bringing narcotics into the United States to sell in the inner cities.
"On March 16, 1986, the San Francisco Examiner published a report on the "1983 seizure of 430 pounds of cocaine from a Colombian freighter" in San Francisco which indicated that a "cocaine ring in the San Francisco Bay area helped finance Nicaragua's Contra rebels." Carlos Cabezas, convicted of conspiracy to traffic cocaine, said that the profits from his crimes "belonged to... the Contra revolution." He told the Examiner, "I just wanted to get the Communists out of my country." Julio Zavala, also convicted on trafficking charges, said "that he supplied $500,000 to two Costa Rican-based Contra groups and that the majority of it came from cocaine trafficking in the San Francisco Bay area, Miami and New Orleans." (Source)
Enter Wally Hilliard, an intelligence asset and reported Khashoggi dupe. Hilliard was also a Mormon Bishop.
"In 1975, Adnan Khashoggi also founded Oryx, along with Sheik Kamal Adham who was the Director of Intelligence for Saudi Arabia, the brother-in-law of King Faisal and the CIA's primary liaison in the Arab world. Coincidentally, these same parties later helped Khashoggi to establish Barrick gold... Oryx, which was always somewhat of an enigma that seemed to morph into a dark and Satanic business vehicle.
Incredibly, investigative reporter, Daniel Hopsiker, later linked Oryx to Huffman Aviation of Venice, Florida after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Huffman Aviation was located in Venice Florida where 2 of the 4 terrorist pilots who flew commercial jets into the World Trade Center on 9/11 learned to fly. Just as incredible, it also seems that Wallace Hilliard who was a Khashoggi “yes-man” purchased Huffman Aviation in 1999 on behalf of Oryx. Hilliard and his lackey, Rudi Dekkers, then began admitting Al Qaida terrorists into their flight training school and teaching them to fly commercial airliners. Coincidentally, two of their best students proceeded to fly commercial airliners into the World Trade Center on 9/11." (Source)
It seems that Kashoggi and Hilliard were also interested in building a casino in "Rum Cay", a well used mid-point for bringing cocaine into the United States from Columbia. Hilliard had the planes, which reportedly were already being used to transport narcotics. The casino would have made it possible to launder all of that drug money.
"Hilliard was also working with Osama Bin Ladin’s brother, Yeslam Bin Ladin, and Yeslam admitted that he funneled an unknown number of middle-eastern pilots to Huffman Aviation for training."
"The CIA seemed to be ever present at Huffman as well. Sander Hickes, a reporter for the Long Island Press, discovered that Wallace Hilliard had done “business” with Myron Du Bain and Du Bain had worked alongside former CIA director John McCone. Further, Du Bain was Chairman of Fireman’s Fund Insurance when Fireman’s Fund agreed to acquire Employee Health, which was an insurance company that was founded by Wallace Hilliard. Also, after investigating Huffman for over 2-years, investigative reporter Daniel Hopsiker came to the conclusion that Osama Bin Ladin, terrorists and drug trafficking was the common denominator at Huffman Aviation, Huffman Aviation was inextricably linked to Adnan Khashoggi and Wallace Hilliard, Apparently, this also explains why one of Hilliard’s lear-jets was seized by the DEA at the Orlando’s Executive Airport after 43-pounds of cocaine was found on board his jet." (Ibid)
So, Adnan Kashoggi and Mormon Bishop, Wally Hilliard were both apparently working for the CIA in its drug running and 911 terrorist operations. This fact has never been reported by the Illuminati controlled press in Utah, or anywhere else. This might also explain how Kashoggi was able to penetrate the highest echelons of Mormondom and bilk them out ofhundreds of millions of dollars without the State of Utah filing criminal fraud charges against the man.
Yes, Kashoggi has many friends in Mormondom. At least, enough to keep him out of jail. Hilliard has also been linked to a suspicious aviation company in Spanish Fork Utah. One that this author has written about and leading him to conclude that it was a covert narcotics operation as well.
Yet, no-one gets investigated with high Ecclesiastical/Political ties in Mormon Utah. Instead, victims are told to forgive and forget.
Kashoggi and Hilliard's alleged involvement in narcotics might also explain how Zion's Bank was fined millions of dollars for "money laundering" activities. More in the next article. To Buy Physical Silver Bullion email
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Enlightened Ones The Illuminati and the New World Order
Image via Wikipedia
The world is governed by far different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
- Benjamin Disraeli, nineteenth century British prime minister, in a speech to Parliament
On 1 May 1776, the year of the beginning of the American revolution against British colonial rule, a young university professor, Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), from Bavaria, founded the Order of Perfectibilists, later to become world famous as the Illuminati or 'Enlightened Ones'.
Weishaupt's family had Jewish ancestry, but he was brought up in the Roman Catholic faith and educated by the Jesuits. His father died when he was seven and he was fostered by his godfather, a German aristocrat called Baron Ickstett. Although schooled by priests from the Society of Jesus, the young boy spent hours in his godfather's extensive library reading learned works on philosophy and science. As an undergraduate at university, Weishaupt studied the ancient Greek Eleusian Mysteries and the mystical doctrines of the Greek philosopher Pythagoras. Even at this young age he was thinking about forming a secret society based on the pagan mystery schools. He later wrote:
At a time, however, when there was no end of making game of and abusing secret societies, I planned to make use of this human foible for a real and worthy goal, for the benefit of people. I wished to do what the heads of the ecclesiastical and secular authorities ought to have done by virtue of their offices.
Adam Weishaupt became a lay professor in canon law at the Jesuit-run University of Ingoldstat near Munich while still a young man. His sudden rise to prominence in the university and his radical views caused consternation among the Jesuit priests. This led him to become involved in many bitter disputes with them about matters pertaining to religion.
In 1774 in either Hanover or Munich Weishaupt became interested in Freemasonry. However, he was disappointed in what he found, believing the Freemasons did not understand Masonry's occult significance, and refused to accept its roots in the ancient pagan religions. In 1777, he finally joined the Masonic Lodge of the Strict Observance Rite in Munich, which practised a form of neo-Templar-Masonry.
At this time the Order of Perfectibilists also became known as the Order of Illuminists or the Order of the Illuminati, sometimes known to its members as the Society of the Hidden Hand. Illuminati was the plural of the Latin Illuminatus, from illumino meaning lighten or enlighten, or 'enlightened one', a term used to describe the initiates of the pagan Mysteries. At first the Order had only five members who were radical freethinkers, but they soon attracted the attention of Bavarian society and within ten years of its foundation there were over 2,000 members.
Illuminism spread from Ingoldstat all over Bavaria and then to other German regions such as Saxony, Westphalia and Franconia that were at the time ruled by feudal princes. It was also exported abroad to the Austria-Hungarian Empire, France and Italy. The Illuminati's membership was largely drawn from the middle and upper classes and in this respect it is ironic that revolutionary movements are seldom started by the working-class. Instead, they are usually led by intellectuals and disenchanted members of the ruling power elite. Members of the Illuminati allegedly included doctors, teachers, lawyer, judges, university professors, priests, police and military officers, and aristocrats such as Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, Duke Ernst of Gotha, Duke Karl of Saxe-Weiner, Prince Augustus of Saxe-Gotha, Prince Carl of Hesse, and Baron Dalberg.
The inclusion of these aristocratic and royal rulers in its membership roll seems strange considering the aims of the Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt's personal vision was a utopian pacifist society without monarchy, private property, social inequality, national identity and religious affiliation. In this new state people would live together in harmony in a universal brotherhood based on peace, free love, spiritual wisdom, intellectual and scientific knowledge, and equality. According to Weishaupt's doctrine in his own words:
Salvation does not lie where strong theories are defended by swords, where the smoke of censers ascends to heaven, or where thousands of strong men pace the rich fields of harvest. The revolution which is about to break [the French Revolution] will be sterile. It is not complete.
The Illuminati's main targets for criticism were the rule of the European royal families, the power of the Roman Catholic Church and the rich landowners who kept the peasants in a feudal state of servitude and poverty. According to its enemies, this doctrine was represented in the oath of allegiance taken by new members when they joined the Order. They allegedly promised to hate and resist, "The altar [the Church] and the throne [monarchy] and to crush the God of the Christians and utterly extirpate the kings of Earth."
Initiation into the Illuminati
The anti-royalist and anti-clerical nature of the Illuminati was also reflected in its initiation ceremony. The candidate was led into a small room where, in front of an empty throne, a table stood with the traditional symbols of kingship - a sceptre, sword and crown - on it. The candidate was invited to pick up these objects, but if he did then he would be refused entry into the Order. Having passed this test, he was led into a second room with a table draped in black cloth. On this table were a plain wooden cross and a red Phrygian cap as worn by initiates of the ancient Mithraic Mysteries. The cap was given to the initiate and he was told to wear it proudly as it was worth far more than the crown of any king.
New members were called Minervals, from the pagan goddess of wisdom Minerva, and the Order's primary symbol was a wreath of oak leaves surrounding an owl sitting on an open book. This represented the essential combination of wisdom and knowledge, and the owl was also the sacred bird of Minerva. This symbol was made into a pendant that the Illuminati could wear secretly under their ordinary everyday clothes. It is tempting to see a connection between this emblem and the giant statue of an owl that features in the modern rituals at Bohemian Grove in California. At this private estate an annual gathering of male politicians, businessmen and media executives takes place, and it is claimed by some conspiracy theorists to be an Illuminati front.
Adam Weishaupt believed in the eventual redemption of humanity and the restoration of human beings to the state of perfection that is supposed to have existed before the Fall and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. He also believed this redemption was only obtainable by following the esoteric teachings preserved by the pagan mystery schools who were the guardians of the Ancient Wisdom. Both men and women could become members of the Illuminati and they were taught religious freedom, and the choice to follow any or no religious belief. To live without the moral straitjacket of the sexually puritanical and corrupt Church was their birthright as human beings.
How the Illuminati Recruited and Expanded Across Europe
The new member was expected to recruit others into the Order like a modern form of pyramid selling. Because of Weishaupt's involvement with Freemasonry, it was decided to use the movement to spread the Illuminati message and members were encouraged to join Masonic lodges. In 1780 Baron Adolf Franz Freidrich Knigge (1752-1796), a German diplomat, was initiated as an Illuminist. He was already a Freemason and under his direction Illuminism spread throughout the Masonic lodges of Europe. He also introduced several degrees or grades of initiation into the Order. These grades were Novice, Minerval, Illuminatus Minor, Illuminatus Major, Knight, Priest, and Magus. A Priest for instance was a person who taught the other members the occult sciences, philosophy, history, politics and the arts and crafts.
Weishaupt established a network of Illuminist agents throughout Europe with access to prominent politicians, priests and cardinals, nobility and royalty. They reported back to the Grand Master of the Illuminati supplying him with intelligence and gossip collected and used for his own personal purpose. It is possible the aim was to blackmail people in powerful positions and thereby control them. By this time his enemies were claiming Weishaupt had decided his utopian anarcho-libertarian society could not be achieved peacefully. Allegedly he began plotting to overthrow the monarchies and governments of Europe using force if necessary.
In 1784 Baron Knigge and Adam Weishaupt quarrelled about the direction of the Order and this coincided with the exposure by police spies of an alleged Illuminist plot to overthrow the ruling Habsburg dynasty of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the same year a royal edict was issued by Duke Karl Theodor, the ruling elector of Bavaria and a prince of the Holy Roman Empire, banning membership of all secret societies not officially recognised by the state. This edict specifically mentioned the Order of Perfectibilists, which was described as a renegade branch of Freemasonry.
Soldiers, police officers, judges, university professors, schoolteachers and anyone working for the civil service were forced to admit to their membership of secret societies and had to either leave or be dismissed from their posts. In 1785 Adam Weishaupt was removed from his own position at the University of Ingoldstat and banished from the city of Munich to live in the countryside on a state pension. He moved to Regensburg where he was protected by Duke Ernst of Saxe-Gotha, an ancestor of the present British royal family who are of German descent. In World War I they changed their family name from Saxe-Gotha-Coburg to the House of Windsor after anti-German protests.
In October 1786 the Bavarian authorities seized a cache of Illuminati secret documents from the home of a member of the diplomatic corp, Xavier Zwack, in Landstut and the castle of Sondersdorf belonging to Baron Bassus, both prominent members of the Illuminati. These were published in Munich in 1787 under the title Einige Originalschiften des Illuminaton Ordens. They revealed the full extent of the Illuminati's alleged plans to destroy Christianity, topple the monarchy, overthrow the civil governments of Europe and eventually extend their influence worldwide. Even though it was claimed these documents were blatant forgeries, as a result of their publication the Order was legally prohibited and membership of it could result in the death penalty.
Many critics of the Illuminati saw its 'hidden hand' behind both the French and American Revolutions in the eighteenth century and believed it survived underground after its prohibition. The fact that Adam Weishaupt lived for another forty-three years in apparent obscurity led to speculation the Illuminati also survived. One of the founders of the French Revolution, the Comte de Mirabeau, was rumoured to have been a secret Illuminist. Some claim the plan for the original uprising to storm the Bastille prison in Paris that sparked the Revolution was discussed and agreed at a closed session of the Grand Masonic Convention in 1782. Count Mirabeau is supposed to have addressed the delegates and said his aim was to destroy the French monarchy and the Roman Catholic Church in France. In its place he said a "religion of love" would be established to replace it. In fact, during the French Revolution religious observance was temporally replaced with the secular worship of the Goddess of Liberty.
Groups Claiming to Inherit the Mantle of the Illuminati
Following the prohibition of the Order of Perfectibilists, several occult secret societies claimed to have inherited its mantle and to be carrying on its work. These included the Society of Illuminists founded in Avignon in the late 1780s by the unlikely partnership of an excommunicated Catholic priest and a Polish count. It later changed its name to the Academy of True Free Masons when it moved its headquarters from Avignon to Montpelier. Although it is rumoured the group still existed in 1812, it actually stopped functioning during the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror that followed it.
The Concordists were a Russian secret society founded around 1790 as the alleged successor of the Bavarian Illuminati. They were suppressed in turn in the early 1800s by the Russian government who outlawed them as a subversive political organisation. In the early 1900s a journalist and spy for the Prussian secret police called Albert Karl Theodor Reuss (1855-1923) used a charter of authority supplied by the English Freemason John Yarker to establish a new Academy of Masonry. The Academy was later amalgamated into the Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of the Eastern Temple or Order of Oriental Templars founded by high-ranking German Freemason Karl Kellner.
The OTO was connected with John Yarker's Masonic Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Mizraim and was supposed to possess the key to all the Masonic-Hermetic mysteries. Kellner claimed to have been taught these 'secrets' by three Eastern adepts. Theodor Reuss is mostly remembered today for initiating the notorious twentieth century occultist and magician Aleister Crowley into the OTO in 1912. The Great Beast 666, as he called himself, and known to the sensational newspapers as 'The Wickedest Man in the World' (surely not compared with his contemporaries Stalin and Hitler?) became the head of the Order in Britain and Europe. He claimed that the OTO was a Rosicrucian-Illuminatist group descended from the Bavarian Illuminati. Crowley was also a long-term secret agent working for MI6 or the British Secret Intelligence Service.
In the twentieth century the alleged surviving Illuminati in its various clandestine forms was seen as the eminence gris behind World Wars I & II, the Bolshevik Revolution and fall of the Romanovs in Russia in 1917, and the rise of both communism and fascism in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. It was widely believed by conspiracy theorists that the organisation would back any political group or doctrine or social movement and indulge in left and right-wing politics to achieve its age-old aims. Because Adam Weishaupt was of Jewish descent, the Illuminati became connected with Zionism, the international banking system, and even the entertainment industry and Hollywood where Jews are prominent.
In the modern world the Illuminati have been seen as a major factor and influence in international power politics, allegedly fomenting wars, civil disorder and revolutions in their attempt to establish a one-world government. They have variously been seen behind the contrasting ideologies of globalism and neo-conservatism, multiculturism, environmentalism and 'green' politics, the 1960s 'permissive society', and the New Age spiritual movement. The Illuminati have also been held responsible for the fall of the Soviet Union (which paradoxically they are supposed to have created) and the military policing actions by the United Nations, the Anglo-American alliance and NATO since the end of World War II.
It is claimed the draconian anti-terrorism laws introduced by Western governments in the wake of 9/11 and the emergence in recent years of a 'Big Brother' electronic surveillance society, where human rights and freedoms are restricted or infringed, is the work of the Illuminati from behind the scenes. Organisations such as the European Union (EU), the proposed North American Union (NAU) of the USA, Canada and Mexico, the UN, and the World Bank, are seen as Illuminati projects.
Secret 'Shadow Government' Groups
So-called 'shadow government' groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group and the Trilateral Commission set up after World War II, are also said to be fronts for the modern manifestation of the Illuminati. The CFR was founded in 1921 by Colonel Edward House, a political advisor to President Woodrow Wilson and financed by wealthy international bankers. Colonel House was denounced by his political enemies as a Marxist seeking to establish a socialist government in the USA leading to a one-world government. Paradoxically before World War II the CFR was accused of supporting and financing the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party in Germany. After the war it was labelled a populariser of international socialism through the UN. The CFR's apparently contradictory political aims were explained by conspiracy buffs as typical of the Illuminati fronts that use both left and right politics. That is why the organisation recruited its US members from both the Democrat and Republican parties.
Allegedly, another sinister arm of the modern 'shadow government' and the Illuminati is said to be the Bilderberg Group. Founded in May 1954, it held its first meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in Osterbeck near Arnhem in the Netherlands. The Bilderberg Group was organised with the support of the CIA by Dr. Joseph Retinger, a mysterious figure involved in international Freemasonry and secret intelligence work, and Prince Bernard of the Dutch royal family. In 1946 Retinger told a meeting of the CFR in London that his personal political vision was a united Europe as a bulwark against anti-Americanism and communism. His plans took a step forward eight years later when the Bilderberg Group began its annual meetings attended by representatives of the business world, international banking, the media, the military-industrial complex and politics.
Few people attending Bilderberg meetings have ever talked publicly about what happened or what was discussed. However, Denis Healey, a larger-than-life character who was Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Labour government of the 1970s, once let the proverbial cat out of the bag in a television interview. Asked what the Bilderberg Group was, Healey admitted its ultimate political aim was "a single community throughout the world" or a one-world government.
The 2009 Bilderberg Conference was held from 14-17 April at a hotel in a town near Athens, Greece. Among the participants were the queen of the Netherlands, former prime ministers and prominent government ministers from the host country Greece, the USA, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Belgium, the Netherlands and France, representatives of NATO, the UN, the American National Security Agency (NSA), directors of international banks, and the World Trade organisation, and the editors of national and international financial newspapers and magazines.
According to conspiracy theorists and professional Bilderberg watchers, those who attended this meeting apparently agreed to produce a false picture for the public of imminent economic recovery from the global recession and banking crisis. The attendees were to encourage banks and private investors to put their money back into the stock markets. The plan is apparently to create a new financial crisis in 2010 that will plunge the world into a deeper and more serious recession than we have so far experienced. This would cause high levels of unemployment and civil disorder and pave the way for more draconian laws to control the population. Eventually the situation would get so bad that martial law would have to be declared and there would be calls for a one-world government to be set up to restore global order. The meeting also allegedly backed the Lisbon treaty, which will eventually create a European federal super-state or United States of Europe with a single currency, the Euro.
In his State of the Union address in January 1991, President George H. Bush told US Congress the impending Gulf War to liberate the oil-state of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation was part of a new "big idea" he called the New World Order. He described it as bringing together diverse nations in a common cause to achieve "the universal aspirations of humankind, peace and security, freedom and the rule of law." Many of those who heard or read the address interpreted President Bush's remarks as a coded reference to the Illuminati's aim of a global government.
With the election of the first black president in American history, Barack Obama, in November 2008, it seemed as if the neo-con forces with their New World Order agenda had been defeated. It was widely predicted by media commentators and political experts that America was entering a new stage in its development, a time of hope and change when the discredited right-wing policies of the neo-cons would be consigned to the garbage can of history. This was illustrated by postcards on sale in the UK showing the new president as a shining knight on a white horse. The picture was simply captioned 'Hope'.
It has been pointed out that for the first time in a generation there appeared to be no known links between President Obama and 'shadow government' groups such as the Bilderbergers. However, rumours of a secret tryst between Senator Hilary Clinton and Senator Obama in Virginia during the Bilderberg Group meeting of 2008 held in that state raised suspicions. It was suggested both politicians may have secretly attended the meeting. Also several prominent members of the Obama administration have been identified as Bilderberg attendees and members of the CFR and Trilateral Commission, which as its name suggests brings together leading past and present politicians from Europe, the United States and Japan. This is not surprising considering that, Illuminati front or not, the so-called 'shadow government' acts as a training and recruiting agency for the Western world's aspiring politicians.
At the time of writing President Obama's honeymoon period with the American public seem to be over. Recently he has been criticised for his radical (by American standards) heath-care plans, his bailing out of international banks with taxpayers' money, the delayed withdrawal from Iraq and his acceptance of the premature Nobel Peace Prize only days after he committed a further 30,000 troops to the ongoing Afghan War. In some extreme conspiracy theory circles, Obama is an Anti-Christ figure accused variously of being an Illuminati pawn promoting a one-world government, and a secret Muslim and socialist plotting to transform the United States into a military dictatorship.
This ongoing story of the Illuminati, and the secret societies claiming to succeed it, is one of a conflict between opposing forces seeking ultimate power for different reasons. It exposes a sinister agenda on those who have hijacked democracy and the idealistic concept of a utopian form of government guaranteeing real freedom to all its citizens. It is a noble concept corrupted for selfish political purposes using xenophobia, religious intolerance and fear as its weapons of choice.
The modern heirs of the Illuminati, if that is what they really are, are hardly 'enlightened ones' as they are only interested in the acquisition of personal power, the suppression of knowledge, and the control of the masses who they want to keep in a state of ignorance. However, there is still hope that genuine initiates of the Ancient Wisdom are working secretly behind the scenes of international politics to improve our modern world and lead it to a brighter future. [For further information on the subjects discussed in this article please visit]othing unusual in Australia anymore. Gillard simply mirrors what Australia already is, while helping to push it ever closer to extinction in the name of "tolerance."
Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge?
In a dramatic coup June 24 2010, Julia Gillard took over as Prime Minister from Kevin Rudd and became Australia's first
female PM.
Gillard is the first PM to be unmarried and a lesbian. (She is in a relationship with Tim Mathieson - who is a "beard.") She
is the first PM to be sworn in without making reference to God. (Gillard is an atheist and has no religious beliefs.)
A reader has suggested that Gillard is head of the Satanic Alpha lodge of Sydney ("Australia`s global satanic legacy and
This is based on the posthumous confessions of a leading Australian Satanist "Frater 616":
"Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are women. Within the Alpha Lodges they are worshipped as
embodiments of the Dark Goddess - who is known by many names and is virgin still! Currently the Outer Head of the Alpha
Lodge Australasia is a very highly placed and successful Federal politician - whose Satanic name is Bestia."
We asked Aloysius Fozdyke, (the man who brought Frater 616's testimony to the world,) to comment. He is a member of the
Alpha Lodge and we assume acts with their authorization.
His reply on the "Bestia"-Gillard connection: " I'd rather not comment at this stage."
Our reader continues, "there is only one female politician in Australia who fits "Frater 616"`s allusions to a "t"; and that
person is Julia Gillard."
He says, "a closer study of photos of Julia Gillard (as well as ... European High Commissioner Herman van Rompuy, btw)
clearly point to psycho-pathological traits - in Ms Gillard`s case those of the sadistic personality type. I would therefore
venture the claim that Ms. Gillard is not only "a communist lesbian", but that she is in fact the head of the Satanic Alpha
lodge - the "Bestia" mentioned by Frater 616; and the very person whose predilection is ritual child abuse."
Our reader continues:"In the same manner as Mr. van Rompuy has been placed at the very epicentre of European power (by his
handlers Brzezinski and Kissinger; who "just happened to dine with him" in Belgium, on the very night of his election in
November 2009.)"
"Ms. Gillard has now been placed in control of the south-east Asian region, quite possibly in preparation for the soon-to-be
implementation of specific "new rules of societal conduct" be dictated by these very circles."
"Please also note these further clues: 1) Ms. Gillard is childless; although she obviously "enjoys" (as previous minister of
education) concerning herself with children, she does not (as stated in an ABC interview of 2009) "especially like them".
"2) Ms. Gillard is "an atheist". Oh really? this might not be wholly dishonest, but actually a half-truth: if Ms. Gillard`s
master is Satan ("the lord of this world"), as I would suggest, then she is -true to her beliefs- simply "hiding" this fact
"in plain sight", as Satanists are wont to do.
"3) Ms. Gillard came to power very suddenly and in a most conniving "unusual" fashion; this would seem to point to hidden
strings being pulled; strings such as those found in secret societies and brought to bear at the crucial time - and with
deadly force. Further "enjoyment" is then drawn from the distress and shock of the opponent; in our case from the tearful
downfall of Kevin Rudd (who would seem as decent a human being as they come, in the guise of politicians anyway.)
4) Ms Gillard is currently the only "highly placed and successful federal (female) politician"...her curriculum vitae, her
views, as well as her highly suspect private life and "preferences" fit Frater 616`s description perfectly. all said, I`m
sure that by following this admittedly still rather basic line of enquiry, others (perhaps more at home in Australian
politics) will be able to add further evidence to my thesis.
In conclusion, the thesis that Gillard is the Head of an important Satanic Lodge is consistent with the claims made by both
Frater 616 and Fozdyke that leading members of society, especially politicians, are Satanists. The fact that Fozdyke
declines to comment is significant.
Here is the rest of the original article by "Matt" on Gillard. She certainly fits the profile in light of the occult and
satanic roots of Communism and Lesbianism:
She was sworn in by Australia's first female Governor General (Quentin Bryce.) Bryce has held numerous high offices with the
aim of advancing women's and "minority" rights at the expense of the Australia's European majority. Bryce's daughter is
married to Bill Shorten who was pivotal in binging Gillard into the office of PM.
When she was at high school, Gillard was mentored by the Jewish liberal (i.e. Communist) Marlene Pilowski. When she moved to
Melbourne to attend university, she became the Education Vice President of the left wing (i.e. Communist) AUS (Australian
Union of Students), and later was its President.
Gillard was in the Socialist Forum from her university days. The forum's objectives were to create a socialist / feminist
society through Labor governments. It originally consisted of ex-members of the Victorian branch of the Communist Party and
some ALP members. Gillard was one of the two original paid organizers of the Forum. She wrote numerous documents for the
Socialist Forum including 'Being a Socialist Teacher' and 'Future Directions of the Left'. It was also through the Forum
that she met Labor heavy-weight Joan Kirner and worked closely with her on Labor's Affirmative Action Plan. Gillard wrote
the constitution for the pro-abortion feminist organization EMILY's List (in Australia), which supports "progressive" Labor
In 2006, when in opposition, Gillard voted for legalizing the abortion pill RU486 and for stem cell research, which both
became law. In March 2010, when she was Education Minister, Senator Ron Boswell said that "Julia Gillard's new [education]
curriculum reads like a learners manual for international socialism".
As PM, Gillard has tried to assuage Australians by painting herself as a moderate. She has also distanced herself from Rudd,
who had become the fall-guy for a bad government. Gillard however should take more blame as she was one of the "gang of 4"
that made the decisions. She was directly behind the Building Education Revolution (BER) scandal over building unneeded
overpriced schhools.
In less than three years, the Labor Government has gone from a 20 billion dollar surplus (left by Howard) to 148 billion
debt, and is borrowing an extra $150 million every day. The common theme in Federal and state politics is that Labor
governments create massive debt, and the Conservatives (Liberal / National party governments) pay that debt off. The main
point though is missed - governments shouldn't be borrowing or repaying money from off-shore lenders in the first place.
Before holding the next general election (probably this year), Gillard wll have to straighten out 3 key policy areas. She
compromised on the mining tax, which was originally introduced by Rudd to pay off debt. With her dodgy projection figures,
she claimed it would bring the budget back into the black, but this is unlikely.
The second issue, that of the "boat people". Boat arrivals have increased at over 50 times the rate under Howard because of
Rudd's loose regulations. Boat people are considered queue jumpers. Gillard said that they will be processed in East Timor
although there is no centre there. She is ignoring the centre already built at Nauru. Gusmao, the PM of East Timor claims he
wasn't consulted and didn't want a centre in his country.
The third issue is the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS.) Rudd initially pushed it hard, but it was defeated in the Senate. The
average Australian didn't really understand what it was, but many have since woken up that it is essentially a big expense
which will effect ordinary people. The ETS is not about saving the environment so much as social change and the
redistribution of wealth.
Gillard who has painted herself to be a bit of a non-scary moderate, is red at the centre. The media distracts and woos the
dumb masses with news about about her latest haircuts, etc (her gay boyfriend Mathieson is a hairdresser.) It is her aim
however to re-engineer society, but years of the Left's influence in Labor governments, education and the media has already
done that.
As PM, Gillard just looks like another version of Rudd. Pretending to listen to the people, she instead pushes the NWO
agenda. Being a non-religious 50 year old woman in a de-facto relationship is n
female PM.
Gillard is the first PM to be unmarried and a lesbian. (She is in a relationship with Tim Mathieson - who is a "beard.") She
is the first PM to be sworn in without making reference to God. (Gillard is an atheist and has no religious beliefs.)
A reader has suggested that Gillard is head of the Satanic Alpha lodge of Sydney ("Australia`s global satanic legacy and
This is based on the posthumous confessions of a leading Australian Satanist "Frater 616":
"Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are women. Within the Alpha Lodges they are worshipped as
embodiments of the Dark Goddess - who is known by many names and is virgin still! Currently the Outer Head of the Alpha
Lodge Australasia is a very highly placed and successful Federal politician - whose Satanic name is Bestia."
We asked Aloysius Fozdyke, (the man who brought Frater 616's testimony to the world,) to comment. He is a member of the
Alpha Lodge and we assume acts with their authorization.
His reply on the "Bestia"-Gillard connection: " I'd rather not comment at this stage."
Our reader continues, "there is only one female politician in Australia who fits "Frater 616"`s allusions to a "t"; and that
person is Julia Gillard."
He says, "a closer study of photos of Julia Gillard (as well as ... European High Commissioner Herman van Rompuy, btw)
clearly point to psycho-pathological traits - in Ms Gillard`s case those of the sadistic personality type. I would therefore
venture the claim that Ms. Gillard is not only "a communist lesbian", but that she is in fact the head of the Satanic Alpha
lodge - the "Bestia" mentioned by Frater 616; and the very person whose predilection is ritual child abuse."
Our reader continues:"In the same manner as Mr. van Rompuy has been placed at the very epicentre of European power (by his
handlers Brzezinski and Kissinger; who "just happened to dine with him" in Belgium, on the very night of his election in
November 2009.)"
"Ms. Gillard has now been placed in control of the south-east Asian region, quite possibly in preparation for the soon-to-be
implementation of specific "new rules of societal conduct" be dictated by these very circles."
"Please also note these further clues: 1) Ms. Gillard is childless; although she obviously "enjoys" (as previous minister of
education) concerning herself with children, she does not (as stated in an ABC interview of 2009) "especially like them".
"2) Ms. Gillard is "an atheist". Oh really? this might not be wholly dishonest, but actually a half-truth: if Ms. Gillard`s
master is Satan ("the lord of this world"), as I would suggest, then she is -true to her beliefs- simply "hiding" this fact
"in plain sight", as Satanists are wont to do.
"3) Ms. Gillard came to power very suddenly and in a most conniving "unusual" fashion; this would seem to point to hidden
strings being pulled; strings such as those found in secret societies and brought to bear at the crucial time - and with
deadly force. Further "enjoyment" is then drawn from the distress and shock of the opponent; in our case from the tearful
downfall of Kevin Rudd (who would seem as decent a human being as they come, in the guise of politicians anyway.)
4) Ms Gillard is currently the only "highly placed and successful federal (female) politician"...her curriculum vitae, her
views, as well as her highly suspect private life and "preferences" fit Frater 616`s description perfectly. all said, I`m
sure that by following this admittedly still rather basic line of enquiry, others (perhaps more at home in Australian
politics) will be able to add further evidence to my thesis.
In conclusion, the thesis that Gillard is the Head of an important Satanic Lodge is consistent with the claims made by both
Frater 616 and Fozdyke that leading members of society, especially politicians, are Satanists. The fact that Fozdyke
declines to comment is significant.
Here is the rest of the original article by "Matt" on Gillard. She certainly fits the profile in light of the occult and
satanic roots of Communism and Lesbianism:
She was sworn in by Australia's first female Governor General (Quentin Bryce.) Bryce has held numerous high offices with the
aim of advancing women's and "minority" rights at the expense of the Australia's European majority. Bryce's daughter is
married to Bill Shorten who was pivotal in binging Gillard into the office of PM.
When she was at high school, Gillard was mentored by the Jewish liberal (i.e. Communist) Marlene Pilowski. When she moved to
Melbourne to attend university, she became the Education Vice President of the left wing (i.e. Communist) AUS (Australian
Union of Students), and later was its President.
Gillard was in the Socialist Forum from her university days. The forum's objectives were to create a socialist / feminist
society through Labor governments. It originally consisted of ex-members of the Victorian branch of the Communist Party and
some ALP members. Gillard was one of the two original paid organizers of the Forum. She wrote numerous documents for the
Socialist Forum including 'Being a Socialist Teacher' and 'Future Directions of the Left'. It was also through the Forum
that she met Labor heavy-weight Joan Kirner and worked closely with her on Labor's Affirmative Action Plan. Gillard wrote
the constitution for the pro-abortion feminist organization EMILY's List (in Australia), which supports "progressive" Labor
In 2006, when in opposition, Gillard voted for legalizing the abortion pill RU486 and for stem cell research, which both
became law. In March 2010, when she was Education Minister, Senator Ron Boswell said that "Julia Gillard's new [education]
curriculum reads like a learners manual for international socialism".
As PM, Gillard has tried to assuage Australians by painting herself as a moderate. She has also distanced herself from Rudd,
who had become the fall-guy for a bad government. Gillard however should take more blame as she was one of the "gang of 4"
that made the decisions. She was directly behind the Building Education Revolution (BER) scandal over building unneeded
overpriced schhools.
In less than three years, the Labor Government has gone from a 20 billion dollar surplus (left by Howard) to 148 billion
debt, and is borrowing an extra $150 million every day. The common theme in Federal and state politics is that Labor
governments create massive debt, and the Conservatives (Liberal / National party governments) pay that debt off. The main
point though is missed - governments shouldn't be borrowing or repaying money from off-shore lenders in the first place.
Before holding the next general election (probably this year), Gillard wll have to straighten out 3 key policy areas. She
compromised on the mining tax, which was originally introduced by Rudd to pay off debt. With her dodgy projection figures,
she claimed it would bring the budget back into the black, but this is unlikely.
The second issue, that of the "boat people". Boat arrivals have increased at over 50 times the rate under Howard because of
Rudd's loose regulations. Boat people are considered queue jumpers. Gillard said that they will be processed in East Timor
although there is no centre there. She is ignoring the centre already built at Nauru. Gusmao, the PM of East Timor claims he
wasn't consulted and didn't want a centre in his country.
The third issue is the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS.) Rudd initially pushed it hard, but it was defeated in the Senate. The
average Australian didn't really understand what it was, but many have since woken up that it is essentially a big expense
which will effect ordinary people. The ETS is not about saving the environment so much as social change and the
redistribution of wealth.
Gillard who has painted herself to be a bit of a non-scary moderate, is red at the centre. The media distracts and woos the
dumb masses with news about about her latest haircuts, etc (her gay boyfriend Mathieson is a hairdresser.) It is her aim
however to re-engineer society, but years of the Left's influence in Labor governments, education and the media has already
done that.
As PM, Gillard just looks like another version of Rudd. Pretending to listen to the people, she instead pushes the NWO
agenda. Being a non-religious 50 year old woman in a de-facto relationship is n
Illuminati Murdered at least Two More Presidents
A curious but very credible Internet document called "The Mardi Gras Secrets" states that Illuminati agents poisoned and killed Presidents William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) and Zachary Taylor (1784-1850). They also poisoned James Buchanan in 1857 but he survived. All three were obstructing Illuminati- House of Rothschild plans for the US Civil War (1860-1865).
The document also describes the Illuminati role in the murders of Abraham Lincoln and Senator Huey Long. We know they also killed Presidents Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy and probably Warren Harding and possibly FDR. If George W. Bush weren't doing such an awful job, he probably would be poisoned as well.
The Mardi Gras Secrets website was created in Dec. 2005 by Mimi L. Eustis, the daughter of Samuel Todd Churchill, a high level member of the secret New Orleans Mardi Gras Society called "The Mystick Crewe of Comus."
This Society, which reorganized the Mardi Gras festivities in 1857, was a chapter of the Skull and Bones. It began as a front for the activities of Masons Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin and John Slidell who became leaders of the Confederacy.
This information is based on Samuel Churchill's deathbed confessions, when he was dying of lung cancer. Mrs. Eustis later decided to make them public after she also contracted the terminal disease.
The Illuminati ringleader was Caleb Cushing (1800-1879), the partner of William Russell, the opium smuggler who founded the Yale Skull and Bones Society in 1832. In order to rise in this society, one had to participate in a "killing of the king" rite of passage.
According to Eustis, the Skull and Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is "nothing more than a political assassination hit team against those United States politicians who do not fall in line with the House of Rothschild's plans for a blood elitist domination and control over the world's economy...For example Caleb Cushing was involved in the arsenic
poisoning deaths of United States presidents William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841 and Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850. These two Presidents had opposed admitting Texas and California as slave states."
William Henry Harrison was the first President ever to die in office, serving only 31 days. According to Wikipedia he died of "pneumonia."
On July 3, 1850, Zachary Taylor threatened to hang those ``taken in rebellion against the Union.'' The next day the President fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died July 9. (Kentucky authorities recently dug up Taylor's body looking for evidence of arsenic poisoning.)
I paraphrase Mrs. Eustis: During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War . The loan shark-bankers wanted 24% to 36% interest. Instead, Lincoln got Congress to authorize the printing of 450 million dollars worth of "Greenbacks" debt and interest-free money. It served as legal tender for all debts,
public and private.
The House of Rothschild recognized that sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money would break their power.
Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a member of Pike's Knights of
the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64
and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln. Baird later identified the body of Captain James William Boyd as Booth's. (Boyd was in fact a Confederate spy who resembled Booth and was used as a patsy. His body was dumped into an Arsenal Prison sinkhole used to dump dead horses.)
Eustis says her father emphasized that most Masons below the 3rd degree were good hardworking people. The Illuminati-Skull and Bones used the Masons as a disguise. Those who rose past the 33 degree level did so by participating in the "Killing of the King" ritual. The lower levels did as they were told without realizing their part in the "Killing of the King".
For assassinating Abraham Lincoln, Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and August Belmont (Rothschild's Northern agent) were made secret Kings of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. Andrew Johnson Vice -President became President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson the thirty-third degree rite of passage.
" Doctors were an essential part of the Illuminati plan to kill U.S. political leaders [who] hindered the take over of the U.S. Republic by the international banking elite," Eustis writes.
" Illuminati doctors eventually did in both U.S. President William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. They also played a death role in the shooting assassinations of U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 (died April 15, 1865), James Garfield on July 2, 1881 (died September 19, 1881), and William McKinley Jr. on September 6, 1901 (died September 14, 1901)."
"Teddy Roosevelt became President after William McKinley was shot. Roosevelt received passage into the 33rd. degree and became a secret king of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. During his presidency, the Skull and Bones became firmly entrenched and controlled the U.S. Republic."
Huey Long ("Kingfish") was a populist who mounted a powerful challenge to FDR from his power base as Governor of Louisiana and later as US
Senator. Unlike FDR, he was not a Mason and not a shill for the bankers.
His "Share Our Wealth" program represented a genuine threat to the Illuminati.
An Illuminati member, Dr. Carl Austin Weiss shot Long Sept 8, 1935 and Dr. Arthur Vidrine ensured that Long did not recover. According to Eustis, Weiss was supposed to hit Long in the face, and Long's bodyguard Murphy Roden was supposed to shoot both Weiss and Long.This may indeed be what happened.
Roden was a "spy for J. Edgar Hoover." Roden pumped 60 bullets into Weiss'body. Dr. Weiss was told his baby would be killed if he reneged on the mission.
Both FDR and J. Edgar Hoover won their 33 degree rite of passage for their participation in this murder.
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt was made King of Comus in 1937. When J. Edgar Hoover came down to New Orleans to act out his reign as King of Comus, he was involved in a sexual revelry of homosexuality and cross-dressing with various elitist bloodline members of the Mystick Krewe of Comus."
"Agents of Skull and Bones with blessing and involvement of J. Edgar Hoover FBI Director and 33rd level executioner-cover up specialist for the elitist bloodline of the House of Rothschild murdered Freemason Charles Lindberg's son. This killing of Freemason Charles Lindberg's son was to set an example that the isolationist stand was not the will of the Illuminati."
Mrs. Eustis doesn't touch upon the poisoning death of President Warren Harding (1865-1923) but this is how Wikipedia describes it:
"At the end of July, while traveling south from Alaska through British Columbia, [Harding] developed what was thought to be a severe case of food poisoning. At the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, he developed pneumonia. Harding died of either a heart attack or a stroke at 7:35 p.m. on August 2, 1923, at the age of 57. The formal announcement,
printed in the New York Times of that day, stated that 'a stroke of apoplexy' was the cause of death.' He had been ill exactly one week."
For FDR, see Emanuel Josephson, "The Strange Death of Franklin D.
Roosevelt." (1948)
The "Mardi Gras Secrets" suggest that, given the depth of corruption, the US political system cannot be taken seriously as a democracy. There is a pattern of Illuminati-Rothschild control throughout US history. People who deny this are living in a fantasy.
The United States was created to advance the Illuminati New World Order based on Rothschild control of credit. American ideals were designed to dupe the masses, not to be realized.
The founders and heroes of the US were mostly Masons including Paul Revere, John Paul Jones and Benjamin Franklin. Francis Scott Key who wrote the national anthem was a Mason. John Hancock and most of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were also Masons.
More-than-half the Presidents were Masons. These include Washington, Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Pierce, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, TR, Taft, Harding, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Ford, Reagan, Clinton and Bush I and II.
Some of these really thought Masonry was about "making good men better" and had to be assassinated. Other Presidents who weren't Masons, like Eisenhower, Nixon and Carter, were still controlled by the same dark forces.
Throughout its history the United States has been in the clutches of a satanic cult empowered by the Rothschild central banking cartel. Many courageous Presidents and other politicians tried to free their countrymen and died unrecognized, their killers unpunished and triumphant.
The US is a nation decapitated, a headless giant led by demons.
The document also describes the Illuminati role in the murders of Abraham Lincoln and Senator Huey Long. We know they also killed Presidents Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy and probably Warren Harding and possibly FDR. If George W. Bush weren't doing such an awful job, he probably would be poisoned as well.
The Mardi Gras Secrets website was created in Dec. 2005 by Mimi L. Eustis, the daughter of Samuel Todd Churchill, a high level member of the secret New Orleans Mardi Gras Society called "The Mystick Crewe of Comus."
This Society, which reorganized the Mardi Gras festivities in 1857, was a chapter of the Skull and Bones. It began as a front for the activities of Masons Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin and John Slidell who became leaders of the Confederacy.
This information is based on Samuel Churchill's deathbed confessions, when he was dying of lung cancer. Mrs. Eustis later decided to make them public after she also contracted the terminal disease.
The Illuminati ringleader was Caleb Cushing (1800-1879), the partner of William Russell, the opium smuggler who founded the Yale Skull and Bones Society in 1832. In order to rise in this society, one had to participate in a "killing of the king" rite of passage.
According to Eustis, the Skull and Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is "nothing more than a political assassination hit team against those United States politicians who do not fall in line with the House of Rothschild's plans for a blood elitist domination and control over the world's economy...For example Caleb Cushing was involved in the arsenic
poisoning deaths of United States presidents William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841 and Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850. These two Presidents had opposed admitting Texas and California as slave states."
William Henry Harrison was the first President ever to die in office, serving only 31 days. According to Wikipedia he died of "pneumonia."
On July 3, 1850, Zachary Taylor threatened to hang those ``taken in rebellion against the Union.'' The next day the President fell ill, vomited blackish material, and died July 9. (Kentucky authorities recently dug up Taylor's body looking for evidence of arsenic poisoning.)
I paraphrase Mrs. Eustis: During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War . The loan shark-bankers wanted 24% to 36% interest. Instead, Lincoln got Congress to authorize the printing of 450 million dollars worth of "Greenbacks" debt and interest-free money. It served as legal tender for all debts,
public and private.
The House of Rothschild recognized that sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money would break their power.
Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was a member of Pike's Knights of
the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64
and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln. Baird later identified the body of Captain James William Boyd as Booth's. (Boyd was in fact a Confederate spy who resembled Booth and was used as a patsy. His body was dumped into an Arsenal Prison sinkhole used to dump dead horses.)
Eustis says her father emphasized that most Masons below the 3rd degree were good hardworking people. The Illuminati-Skull and Bones used the Masons as a disguise. Those who rose past the 33 degree level did so by participating in the "Killing of the King" ritual. The lower levels did as they were told without realizing their part in the "Killing of the King".
For assassinating Abraham Lincoln, Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and August Belmont (Rothschild's Northern agent) were made secret Kings of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. Andrew Johnson Vice -President became President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson the thirty-third degree rite of passage.
" Doctors were an essential part of the Illuminati plan to kill U.S. political leaders [who] hindered the take over of the U.S. Republic by the international banking elite," Eustis writes.
" Illuminati doctors eventually did in both U.S. President William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor. They also played a death role in the shooting assassinations of U.S. Presidents Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 (died April 15, 1865), James Garfield on July 2, 1881 (died September 19, 1881), and William McKinley Jr. on September 6, 1901 (died September 14, 1901)."
"Teddy Roosevelt became President after William McKinley was shot. Roosevelt received passage into the 33rd. degree and became a secret king of the Mystick Krewe of Comus. During his presidency, the Skull and Bones became firmly entrenched and controlled the U.S. Republic."
Huey Long ("Kingfish") was a populist who mounted a powerful challenge to FDR from his power base as Governor of Louisiana and later as US
Senator. Unlike FDR, he was not a Mason and not a shill for the bankers.
His "Share Our Wealth" program represented a genuine threat to the Illuminati.
An Illuminati member, Dr. Carl Austin Weiss shot Long Sept 8, 1935 and Dr. Arthur Vidrine ensured that Long did not recover. According to Eustis, Weiss was supposed to hit Long in the face, and Long's bodyguard Murphy Roden was supposed to shoot both Weiss and Long.This may indeed be what happened.
Roden was a "spy for J. Edgar Hoover." Roden pumped 60 bullets into Weiss'body. Dr. Weiss was told his baby would be killed if he reneged on the mission.
Both FDR and J. Edgar Hoover won their 33 degree rite of passage for their participation in this murder.
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt was made King of Comus in 1937. When J. Edgar Hoover came down to New Orleans to act out his reign as King of Comus, he was involved in a sexual revelry of homosexuality and cross-dressing with various elitist bloodline members of the Mystick Krewe of Comus."
"Agents of Skull and Bones with blessing and involvement of J. Edgar Hoover FBI Director and 33rd level executioner-cover up specialist for the elitist bloodline of the House of Rothschild murdered Freemason Charles Lindberg's son. This killing of Freemason Charles Lindberg's son was to set an example that the isolationist stand was not the will of the Illuminati."
Mrs. Eustis doesn't touch upon the poisoning death of President Warren Harding (1865-1923) but this is how Wikipedia describes it:
"At the end of July, while traveling south from Alaska through British Columbia, [Harding] developed what was thought to be a severe case of food poisoning. At the Palace Hotel in San Francisco, he developed pneumonia. Harding died of either a heart attack or a stroke at 7:35 p.m. on August 2, 1923, at the age of 57. The formal announcement,
printed in the New York Times of that day, stated that 'a stroke of apoplexy' was the cause of death.' He had been ill exactly one week."
For FDR, see Emanuel Josephson, "The Strange Death of Franklin D.
Roosevelt." (1948)
The "Mardi Gras Secrets" suggest that, given the depth of corruption, the US political system cannot be taken seriously as a democracy. There is a pattern of Illuminati-Rothschild control throughout US history. People who deny this are living in a fantasy.
The United States was created to advance the Illuminati New World Order based on Rothschild control of credit. American ideals were designed to dupe the masses, not to be realized.
The founders and heroes of the US were mostly Masons including Paul Revere, John Paul Jones and Benjamin Franklin. Francis Scott Key who wrote the national anthem was a Mason. John Hancock and most of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence were also Masons.
More-than-half the Presidents were Masons. These include Washington, Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson, Van Buren, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Pierce, Buchanan, Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, TR, Taft, Harding, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Ford, Reagan, Clinton and Bush I and II.
Some of these really thought Masonry was about "making good men better" and had to be assassinated. Other Presidents who weren't Masons, like Eisenhower, Nixon and Carter, were still controlled by the same dark forces.
Throughout its history the United States has been in the clutches of a satanic cult empowered by the Rothschild central banking cartel. Many courageous Presidents and other politicians tried to free their countrymen and died unrecognized, their killers unpunished and triumphant.
The US is a nation decapitated, a headless giant led by demons.
Barack Obama - Zionist Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications who directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years but the world is now more sophisticated & prepared to march towards a world government which will never again know war but only peace and prosperity for the whole of authority."
-- David Rockefeller, CFR/Bilderberg/TC, 5 June 1991.
-- David Rockefeller, CFR/Bilderberg/TC, 5 June 1991.
The Illuminati
Now can you see why the vile Earl Warren and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954? It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between the Negroes and Whites. Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian prayers and Christmas carols in our schools? It was done to destroy Christianity. Can you see why Eisenhower, despite all the rigid constitutional prohibitions, sent federal troops into a southern state to enforce the desegregation decision? Why Kennedy did likewise? And can you see why Johnson and 66 Senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the Consular Treaty which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? All those 66 Senators are 20th century 'Benedict Arnolds'.
It is up to you and you, all of the American people, to force Congress, our elected servants, to haul in those American traitors for impeachments and that when proven guilty, they all be given the punishment prescribed for traitors who aid and abet our enemies. And that includes the forcing of rigid investigations by Congress of the CFR and all their fronts, such as the ADL, the NAACP, SNIC, and such Illuminati tools as Martin 'Lucifer' King. Such investigations will completely unmask all the leaders in Washington and the Illuminati and all their affiliations and affiliates as traitors carrying out the Illuminati plot. It will completely unmask the United Nations as the intended crux of the entire plot and force Congress to take the US out of the UN and hurl the UN out of the US. In fact, it will destroy the UN and the entire plot.
Before I close this phase, I wish to reiterate and stress one vital point which I urge you to never forget if you wish to save our country for your children and their children. Here is the point. Every unconstitutional and unlawful act committed by Woodrow Wilson, by Franklin Roosevelt, by Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy and are now being committed by Johnson, is exactly in line with the Illuminati conspirators centuries-old plot outlined by Weishaupt and Albert Pike. Every vicious decision issued by the traitorous Earl Warren and his equally traitorous Supreme Court justices was directly in line with what the Illuminati blueprint required. That all the treason committed by our State Department under Rusk and earlier by John Foster Dulles, and Marshall, also all the treason committed by McNamara and his predecessors is directly in line with that same Illuminati blueprint for the takeover of the world. Also the amazing treason by various members of our Congress, especially by the 66 Senators who signed for the Consular Treaty, has been committed on orders from the Illuminati.
[Part 4]
Now I will go back to Jacob Schiff's entrapment of our money system and the treasonous actions that followed. It will also reveal the Schiff-Rothschild control of not only Karl Marx, but of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, who created the revolution in Russia and set up the Communist Party.
It was in 1908 that Schiff decided that the time had come for his seizure of our money system. His chief lieutenants in that seizure were Colonel Edward Mandell House whose entire career was that of chief executive and courier for Schiff as I shall show, Bernard Barouk, and Herbert Lehman. In the fall of that year, they assembled in secret conclave at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, owned by J.P. Morgan at Jekyll Island, Georgia. Among those present were J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Colonel House, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Schiff, Stillman and Vandlelip of the New York National City Bank, W. and J. Seligman, Eugene Myer, Bernard Barouk, Herbert Lehman, Paul Warburg, in short, all of the international bankers in America. All of them members of the hierarchy of the Illuminati's great conspiracy.
A week later they emerged with what they called the Federal Reserve System. Senator Aldrich was the stooge who was to railroad it through Congress, but they held that railroading in abeyance for one chief reason. They would first have to plant their man, an obedient stooge, in the White House to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. They knew that even if the Senate would pass that act unanimously, the then newly elected President Taft would promptly veto it. So they waited.
In 1912, their man, Woodrow Wilson, was elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated, Senator Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act through both houses of Congress and Wilson promptly signed it and the Federal Reserve Act became law. That heinous act of treason was committed on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully picked Representatives and three equally carefully picked Senators, were away from Washington. How heinous treasonous was that act? I'll tell you. Our founding fathers knew full well the power of money. They knew that whoever had that power held the destiny of our nation in his hands. Therefore, they carefully guarded this power when they set forth in the Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people, alone would have the power. The Constitutional language on this point is brief, concise, and specific, stated in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, defining the duties and powers of Congress, and I quote: "to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and the standard of weights and measures." But on that tragic, unforgettable day of infamy, December 23, 1913, the men we sent to Washington to safeguard our interests, the Representatives and Senators and Woodrow Wilson, delivered the destiny of our nation into the hands of two aliens from Eastern Europe, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. Warburg was a very recent immigrant who came here on orders from Rothschild for the express purpose of blueprinting that foul Federal Reserve Act.
Now the vast majority of the American people think that the Federal Reserve System is the United States Government owned agency. That is positively false. All of the stock of the federal reserve banks is owned by the member banks and the heads of the member banks are all members of the hierarchy of the great Illuminati conspiracy known today as the CFR.
The details of that act of treason, in which many traitorous so-called Americans participated, are far too long for this reporting, but all those details are available in a book entitled, "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy", written by Eustace Mullins. In that book, Mullins tells the entire horrifying story and backs it up with unquestionable documentations. Aside from it being a truly fascinating and shocking story of that great betrayal, every American should read it as a matter of vital intelligence for the time when the whole American people will finally come awake and smash the entire conspiracy and with God's help, that awakening will surely come. You can get a copy of that book from the publisher, The Christian Educational Association, 530 Chestnut St., Union, New Jersey.
Now if you think that those aliens and their by accident-of-birth American co-conspirators would be content with just the control of our money system, you are in for another very sad shock. The Federal Reserve System gave the conspirators complete control of our money system, but it in no way touched the earnings of the people because the Constitution positively forbids what is now known as the 20% withholding tax. But the Illuminati blueprint for one-world enslavement called for the confiscation of all private property and control of individual earning powers. This, and Karl Marx stressed that feature in his blueprint, had to be accomplished by a progressive graduated income tax. As I have stated, such a tax could not lawfully be imposed upon the American people. It is succinctly and expressly forbidden by our Constitution. Thus, only an Amendment to the Constitution could give the federal government such confiscatory powers.
Well, that too was not an insurmountable problem for our Machiavellian plotters. The same elected leaders in both houses of Congress and the same Mr. Woodrow Wilson, who signed the infamous Federal Reserve Act into law, amended the Constitution to make the federal income tax, known as the 16th Amendment, a law of the land. Both are illegal under our Constitution. In short, the same traitors signed both betrayals, the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, into law. However, it seems that nobody ever realized that the 16th amendment was set up to rob, and I do mean rob, the people of their earnings via the income tax provision.
The plotters didn't fully use the provision until World War II when that great humanitarian, Franklin Roosevelt, applied a 20% withholding tax on all small wage earners and up to 90% on higher incomes. Oh, of course, he faithfully promised that it would be only for the duration of the war, but what was a promise to such a charlatan who in 1940, when he was running for his third term, kept proclaiming: "I say again and again and again that I will never send American boys to fight on foreign soil." Remember? He was proclaiming that even as he was already preparing to plunge us into World War II by enticing the Japanese into that 'sneak attack' on Pearl Harbor to furnish him with his excuse.
And before I forget, let me remind you that another charlatan named Woodrow Wilson used exactly that same campaign slogan in 1916. His slogan was, "Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war." Exactly the same formula, exactly the same promises. But wait, as Al Jolson used to say, "You ain't heard nothin' yet." That 16th Amendment income tax trap was intended to confiscate-- rob-- the earnings only of the common herd, you and me. It was not intended to even touch the huge incomes of the Illuminati gang, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Lehmans, and all the other conspirators.
So together, with that 16th Amendment, they created what they called the tax-free foundations that would enable the conspirators to transform their huge wealth into such so-called foundations and avoid payment of virtually all income taxes. The excuse for it was that the earnings of those tax-free foundations would be devoted to humanitarian philanthropy. So we now have the several Rockefeller Foundations, the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and hundreds of similar tax-free foundations.
And what kind of philanthropy do these foundations support? Well, they finance all the civil rights groups that are creating all the chaos and rioting all over the country. They finance the Martin 'Lucifer' Kings. The Ford Foundation finances the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, commonly referred to as Moscow West, and which is headed by 'wonder boy' Hutchens, Walter Ruther, Erwin Canham and others of that ilk.
In short, the tax-free foundations financed those who are doing the job for the Illuminati's great conspiracy. And what are the hundreds of billions of dollars they confiscate every year from the earnings of the common herd, you and me, used for? Well, for one thing, there is the foreign aid gimmick which gave billions to communist Tito, plus gifts of hundreds of jet planes, many of which were turned over to Castro, plus the costs of training communist pilots so that they can the better to shoot down our planes. Billions to red Poland. Billions to India. Billions to Sukarno. Billions to other enemies of the United States. That's what that treasonously railroaded 16th Amendment has done to our nation, to the American people, to you and to me, to your children and their children.
Our CFR Illuminati controlled federal government can grant tax-free status to all foundations and pro-red one-world outfits, such as the Fund for the Republic. But if you or a patriotic pro-organization is too outspokenly pro-American, they can terrify and intimidate you by finding a misplaced comma in your income-tax report and by threatening you with penalties, fines, and even prison. Future historians will wonder how the American people could have been so naive and stupid as to have permitted such audacious brazen acts of treason as the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Well, they were not naive and they were not stupid. The answer is, they trusted the men they elected to safeguard our country and our people, and they just didn't have even an inkling about either betrayal, until after each one had been accomplished.
It was the Illuminati controlled mass communications media that kept, and is keeping, our people naive and stupid and unaware of the treason being committed. Now the great question is, when will the people wake up and do to our traitors of today what George Washington and our founding fathers would have done to Benedict Arnold? Actually, Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor compared to our present traitors in Washington. Now let's go back to the events that followed the rape of our Constitution by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Was Wilson completely under their control?
The masterminds of the great conspiracy put in motion their next and what they hoped would be their final steps to achieve their one-world government. The first of those steps was to be World War I. Why War? Simple. The only excuse for a one-world government was that it will supposedly ensure peace. The only thing that can make people cry for peace, is war. War brings chaos, destruction, exhaustion, to winner as well as to loser. It brings economic ruin to both. Most important, it destroys the flower of the young manhood of both. To the saddened and heartbroken oldsters the mothers and fathers who are left with nothing but memories of their beloved sons, peace becomes worth any price. And that is the emotion upon which the conspirators depend for the success of their satanic plot.
Throughout the 19th century, from 1814 to 1914, the world, as a whole, was at peace. Such wars as the Franco-Prussian, our own Civil War, the Russo-Japanese War, were what might be termed local disturbances that did not affect the rest of the world. All the great nations were prosperous and the people staunchly nationalistic and fiercely proud of their sovereignties. It was utterly unthinkable that the French and the German peoples would be willing to live under a one-world government, or the Turks and the Russians, or the Chinese and the Japanese. Even more unthinkable is that a Kaiser Wilhelm, or a Franz Joseph, or a Czar Nicholas, or any Monarch, would willingly and meekly surrender his throne to a one-world government. But bear in mind that the peoples in all nations are the real power and only one thing, war, could make the peoples yearn and clamor for a peace-ensuring one-world government. But it would have to be a frightful and horribly devastating war. It could not be just a local disturbing war between just two nations, it would have to be a world war. No major nation must be left untouched by the horrors and devastation of such a war. The cry for peace must be made universal.
Actually that was the format set by the Illuminati and Nathan Rothschild at the turn of the 19th century. They first maneuvered all of Europe into the Napoleonic Wars, then the Congress in Vienna which they, and particularly Rothschild, planned to transform into a League of Nations which was to have been the housing for their one-world government, exactly as the present United Nations was set up to be the housing for the forthcoming, God forbid, one-world government. Anyway, that was the format the House of Rothschild and Jacob Schiff decided to employ to achieve their objective in 1914. Of course they knew that the same format had failed in 1814, but they theorized, that this was only because the Czar of Russia had torpedoed that scheme. Well, the present 1914 conspirators would eliminate that 1814 'fly in the ointment'. They'd make sure that after the new world war that they were conspiring, there'd be no Czar of Russia around to throw monkey-wrenches into the machinery.
I won't go into how they accomplished this first step to launch a world war. History records that World War I was precipitated by a trivial incident, the kind of incident both Weishaupt and Albert Pike had incorporated in their blueprints. That incident was the assassination of an Austrian Archduke arranged by the Illuminati masterminds. The war followed. It involved Germany, Austria, Hungary, and their allies (so-called the Axis powers), against France, Britain, and Russia, called the Allies. Only the United States was not involved during the first two years.
By 1917 the conspirators had achieved their primary objective. All of Europe was in a state of destitution. All the peoples were war weary and crying for 'peace'. And the outcome too was all set. It was to come as soon as the United States would be hurled on the side of the Allies, and that was all set to happen immediately after Wilson's re-election. After that, there could be only one outcome. Complete victory for the Allies. To fully confirm my statement that long before 1917, the conspiracy, headed in America by Jacob Schiff, had it all set to hurl the United States into that war, I will cite the proof:
When Wilson was campaigning for re-election in 1916, his chief appeal was "re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war." But during that same campaign, the Republican Party publicly charged that Wilson had long committed himself to throw us into the war. They charged that if he would be defeated he would accomplish that act during his few remaining months in office, but if re-elected, he would hold off until after re-election. But at that time the American people looked upon Wilson as a God-man. Well, Wilson was re-elected and as per the schedule of the conspirators, he hurled us into the war in 1917. He used the sinking of the Lusitania as an excuse-- a sinking which also was prearranged. Roosevelt, also a God-man in the eyes of the American people, followed the same technique in 1941 when he used the prearranged Pearl Harbor attack as his excuse for hurling us into World War II.
Now exactly as the conspirators planned, victory for the Allies would eliminate all the Monarchs of the defeated Nations and leave all their peoples leaderless, confused, bewildered, and perfectly conditioned for the one-world government the great conspiracy intended would follow. But there still would be an obstacle, the same obstacle that had balked the Illuminati and Rothschild at that Congress in Vienna 'peace gathering' after the Napoleonic Wars.
Russia would be on the winning side this time as it was in 1814 and therefore the Czar would be securely on his throne. Here it is pertinent to note that Russia, under the Czarist regime, had been the one country in which the Illuminati had never made any headway nor had the Rothschilds ever been able to infiltrate in their banking interests thus a winning Czar would be more difficult than ever to cope with. Even if he could be enticed into a so-called League of Nations, it was a foregone conclusion that he would never, but never, go for a one-world government.
So even before the outbreak of World War I, the conspirators had a plan in the making to carry out Nathan Rothschild's vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne and it would have to be done before the close of the war. And the Russian Bolsheviki were to be their instruments in this particular plot. From the turn of the century, the chiefs of the Bolsheviki were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin.
Of course, those were not their true family names. Prior to the outbreak of the war, Lenin headquartered in Paris. After the outbreak, Switzerland became his haven. Trotsky's headquarters was on the lower East Side in New York, largely the habitat of Russian-Jewish refugees. Both Lenin and Trotsky were similarly bewhiskered and unkempt. In those days, that was the badge of Bolshevism. Both lived well yet neither had a regular occupation.
Neither had any visible means of support, yet both always had plenty of money. All those mysteries were solved in 1917. Right from the outset of the war, strange and mysterious goings-on were taking place in New York. Night after night, Trotsky darted furtively in and out of Jacob Schiff's palatial mansion. And in the dead of those same nights there were a gathering of hoodlums of New York's lower east side-- all of them Russian refugees at Trotsky's headquarters, and all were going through some mysterious sort of training process that was all shrouded in mystery. Nobody talked, although it did leak out that Schiff was financing all of Trotsky's activities.
Then suddenly Trotsky vanished. So did approximately 300 of his trained hoodlums. Actually they were on the high seas in a Schiff-chartered ship bound for a rendezvous with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. And on that ship was $20 million in gold. The $20 million Schiff provided to finance the Bolsheviki takeover of Russia. In anticipation of Trotsky's arrival, Lenin prepared to throw a party in his Switzerland hideaway.
Men of the very highest places in the world were to be guests at that party. Among them were the mysterious Colonel Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson's mentor and palsy-walsy, and more important, Schiff's special and confidential messenger. Another of the expected guests was Warburg, of the Warburg Banking Clan in Germany who was financing the Kaiser and whom the Kaiser had rewarded by making him chief of the Secret Police of Germany. In addition, there were the Rothschilds of London and Paris, also Lithenoth, Kakonavich, and Stalin (who was then the head of a train and bank robbing gang of bandits). He was known as the 'Jesse James of the Urals'.
And here I must remind you that England and France were then long in the war with Germany and that on February 3, 1917, Wilson had broken off all diplomatic relations with Germany. Therefore, Warburg, Colonel House, the Rothschilds, and all those others were enemies, but of course, Switzerland was neutral ground where enemies could meet and be friends, especially if they had some scheme in common.
That Lenin party was very nearly wrecked by an unforeseen incident. The Schiff-chartered ship on its way to Switzerland was intercepted and taken into custody by a British warship. But Schiff quickly rushed orders to Wilson to order the British to release the ship intact with the Trotsky hoodlums and the gold. Wilson obeyed. He warned the British that if they refused to release the ship, the United States would not enter the war in April as he had faithfully promised a year earlier.
The British headed the warning. Trotsky arrived in Switzerland and the Lenin party went off as scheduled. But they still faced what ordinarily would have been the insurmountable obstacle of getting the Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists across the border into Russia. Well, that's where Brother Warburg, chief of the German Secret Police, came in. He loaded all those thugs into sealed freight cars and made all the necessary arrangements for their secret entry into Russia. The rest is history. The revolution in Russia took place and all members of the royal Romanoff family were murdered.
Now my chief objective is to establish beyond even a remote doubt that communism, so-called, is an integral part of the Illuminati great conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world. That communism, so-called, is merely their weapon and bogy man word to terrify the peoples of the whole world and that the conquest of Russia and the creation of communism was, in great part, organized by Schiff and the other international bankers right in our own city of New York.
A fantastic story? Yes. Some might even refuse to believe it. Well, for the benefit of any 'doubting Thomas', I will prove it by reminding that just a few years ago Charlie Knickerbocker, a Hearst newspaper columnist, published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob, in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and named the figure old Jacob contributed, $20,000,000.
[Part 5]
If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire menace of communism was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy right in our own city of New York, I will cite the following historical fact: All records show that when Lenin and Trotsky engineered the capture of Russia, they operated as heads of the Bolsheviki party. Now, Bolshevism is a purely Russian word.
The masterminds realized that Bolshevism could never be sold as an ideology to any but the Russian people. So in April 1918, Jacob Schiff dispatched Colonel House to Moscow with orders to Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, to change the name of their regime to the Communist Party and to adopt the Karl Marx Manifesto as the constitution of the Communist Party. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin obeyed, and that year of 1918 was when the Communist party and the menace of communism came into being. All this is confirmed in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition.
In short, communism was created by the capitalists. Thus, until November 11, 1918, the entire fiendish plan of the conspirators worked perfectly. All the great nations, including the United States, were war-weary, devastated, and mourning their dead. Peace was the great universal desire. Thus when it was proposed by Wilson to set up a League of Nations to ensure peace, all the great nations, with no Russian Czar to stand in their way, jumped on that bandwagon without even stopping to read the fine print in that insurance policy.
That is, all but one-- the United States-- the very one that Schiff and his co-conspirators least expected would balk. And that was their one fatal mistake in that early plot. You see, when Schiff planted Woodrow Wilson in the White House, the conspirators assumed that they had the United States in the proverbial bag. Wilson had been perfectly built up as a great humanitarian. He supposedly became established as a god-man with the American people. There was every reason for the conspirators to have believed that he would easily hornswoggle Congress into buying the League of Nations, 'sight unseen', exactly as the Congress of 1945 bought the United Nations, 'sight unseen'.
But there was one man in the Senate in 1918 who saw through that scheme just as the Russian Czar did in 1814. He was a man of great political stature, almost as great as that of Teddy Roosevelt, and fully as astute. He was highly respected and trusted by all members of both houses of Congress and by the American people. The name of that great and patriotic American was Henry Cabot Lodge, (not the phony of today who called himself Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., until he was exposed).
Lodge completely unmasked Wilson and kept the United States out of the League of Nations. Here it becomes of great interest to know the real reason for the Wilson League of Nations flop. As I previously stated, Schiff was sent to the United States to carry out four specific assignments:
1. And most important, was to acquire complete control of the US money system.
2. As outlined in the original Weishaupt Illuminati blueprint, he was to find the right kind of men to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into the highest offices in our federal government, our Congress, our US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc.
3. Destroy the unity of the American people by creating minority group strife throughout the nation-- especially between the whites and blacks, as outlined in Israel Cohen's book.
4. Create a movement to destroy religion of the United States with Christianity to be the chief target or victim.
In addition, he was strongly reminded of the imperative directive in the Illuminati blueprint to achieve full control of all mass communications media to be used to brainwash the people into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy. Schiff was warned that only control of the press, at that time our only mass communications media, would enable him to destroy the unity of the American people.
Now then, Schiff and his co-conspirators did set up the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People) in 1909 and in 1913 he set up the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith. Both were to create the necessary strife, but in the early years, the ADL operated very timidly. Perhaps for fear of a pogrom-like action by an aroused and enraged American people and the NAACP was practically dormant because its white leadership didn't realize that they would have to develop fire-brand Negro leaders, such as Martin 'Lucifer' King for one, to spark the then completely satisfied, contented mass of Negroes.
In addition, he, Schiff, was busy developing and infiltrating the stooges to serve in all high places in our Washington government and in the job of acquiring control of our money system and the creation of the 16th Amendment. He also was very busy with the organizing of the plot for the takeover of Russia. In short, he was kept so busy with all those jobs that he completely overlooked the supreme job of acquiring complete control of our mass communications media. That oversight was a direct cause for Wilson's failure to lure the United States into the League of Nations because when Wilson decided to go to the people to overcome the opposition of the Lodge-controlled Senate, despite his established, but phony reputation as a great humanitarian, he found himself faced by a solidly united people and by a loyal press whose only ideology was Americanism and the American way of life.
At that time, due to the ineptness and ineffectiveness of the ADL and the NAACP, there were no organized minority groups, no Negro problems, no so-called anti-Semitic problems to sway the people's thinking. There were no lefts, there were no rights, no prejudices for crafty exploitations. Thus Wilson's League of Nations appeal fell on deaf ears. That was the end of Woodrow Wilson, the conspirators great humanitarian. He quickly abandoned his crusade and returned to Washington where he shortly died an imbecile brought on by syphilis and that was the end of the League of Nations as a corridor into one-world government.
Of course that debacle was a terrible disappointment to the masterminds of the Illuminati conspiracy, but they were not discouraged. As I have previously stressed, this enemy never quits. They simply decided to reorganize and try from scratch again. By this time Schiff was very old and slow. He knew it. He knew that the conspiracy needed a new younger and more active generalship.
So on his orders, Colonel House and Bernard Barouk organized and set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, the new name under which the Illuminati would continue to function in the United States. The hierarchy, officers and directors of the CFR, is composed principally of descendants of the original Illuminati, many of whom who had abandoned their old family name and acquired new Americanized names.
For one example, we have Dillon, who was Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was Laposky. Another example is Pauley, head of the CBS TV channel, whose true name is Palinsky. The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in number and contains the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America such as Blough, president of the US Steel Corporation, Rockefeller, king of the oil industry, Henry Ford, II, and so on. And of course, all the international bankers. Also, the heads of the tax-free foundations are officers and/or active CFR members. In short, all the men who provide the money and the influence to elect the CFR-chosen Presidents of the United States, the Congressmen, the Senators, and who decide the appointments of our various Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of every important federal agency, are members of the CFR and they are very obedient members indeed.
Now just to cement that fact, I will mention the names of the United States Presidents who were members of the CFR: Franklin Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy. Others who were considered for the presidency are Thomas E. Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, Nixon, and vice-president of a CFR subsidiary, Barry Goldwater. Among the important cabinet members of the various administrations we have John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Cordell Hull, John J. McCloy, Robert Morganthau, Clarence Dillon, Rusk, McNamara, and just to emphasize the red color of the CFR we have as members such men as Alger Hiss, Ralph Bunche, Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss), Owen Lattimore, Phillip Jaffey, etc. etc. Simultaneously, they were flooding thousands of homosexuals and other blackmailable characters into all the federal agencies from the White House down. Remember Johnson's great friends, Jenkins and Bobby Baker?
Now there were many jobs the new CFR had to accomplish. They required much help. So their first job was to set up various subsidiaries to whom they assigned special objectives. I can't name all the subsidiaries in this recording, but the following are a few: the Foreign Policy Association (FPA), the World Affairs Council (WAC), the Business Advisory Council (BAC), the notorious ADA (Americans for Democratic Action virtually headed by Walter Ruther), the notorious '13-13' in Chicago, Barry Goldwater was, and no doubt still is, a vice-president of one of the CFR subsidiaries. In addition, the CFR set up special committees in every state in the Union to whom they assigned the various local state operations.
Simultaneously, the Rothschilds set up similar CFR-like control groups in England, France, Germany, and other Nations, to control world conditions and cooperate with the CFR to bring about another world war. But the CFR's first and foremost job was to get complete control of our mass communications media.
The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller. Thus, Henry Luce, who recently died, was financed to set up a number of national magazines, among them Life, Time, Fortune, and others, which publish "USS.R. in America". The Rockefellers also directly or indirectly financed the Cowles Brothers' "Look" magazine and a chain of newspapers. They also financed a man named Sam Newhouse to buy up and build a chain of newspapers all over the country. And the late Eugene Myer, one of the founders of CFR, bought the Washington Post, Newsweek, the Weekly Magazine, and other publications.
At the same time, the CFR began to develop and nurture a new breed of scurrilous columnists and editorials writers such as Walter Lippman, Drew Pearson, the Alsops, Herbert Matthews, Erwin Canham, and others of that ilk who called themselves Liberals who proclaimed that Americanism is isolationism, that isolationism is war mongerism, that anti-communism, is anti-Semitism and racism.
All that took time of course, but today, our entire press, except for some local small town papers and weeklies, published by patriotic organizations, is completely controlled by CFR stooges and thus they finally succeeded in breaking us up into a nation of quarreling, wrangling, squabbling, hating factions. Now if you still wonder about this slanted news and outright lies you read in your paper, you now have the answer. To the Lehmans, Goldman-Sachs, Kuhn-Loebs, and the Warburgs, the CFR assigned the job of getting control of the motion picture industry (Hollywood), radio, and television, and believe you me, they succeeded.
If you still wonder about the strange propaganda broadcast by the Ed Morrows, Jeff Huntley, Howard K. Smith, Erick Severide, Drew Pearson and others of that ilk, you now have the answer. If you wonder about all the smut, sex, pornography, and mixed marriage films you see in your movie theater and on your TV set, all of which is demoralizing our youth, you have the answer.
The whole story of the CFR conspiracy take-over of our mass communications media is far to long to included in this recording but you can find it in the news bulletin #125 entitled "How to Get the 'Reds' Out of Communications Media". It was published and brought up to date by the Cinema Educational Guild. It tells in detail how the press, movies, the TV and Radio have been, and still are, used to brainwash the people and demoralize our youth and they have been and still are encouraging and creating sympathy for the rioting Negroes civil rights lawlessness. You can get a copy of this news bulletin by writing to the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California.
Now to refresh your memory, let's go back for a moment. Wilson's flop had torpedoed all chances of transforming that League of Nations into the conspirators' hoped-for one-world government housing. So the Jacob Schiff plot had to be done all over again, and they organized the CFR to do it. We also know how successfully the CFR did that job of brainwashing and destroying the unity of the American people.
But, as was the case with the Schiff plot, the climax and the creation of a new housing for their one world government required another world war. A war that would be even more horrible and more devastating than the first world war in order to get the people of the world to again clamor for peace and a means to end all wars. But the CFR realized that the aftermath of World War II would have to be more carefully planned so that there would be no escape from the new one-world trap, another League of Nations, that would emerge from the new war; the trap we now know as the United Nations. And they hit upon a perfect strategy to ensure that no-one escaped. Here is how they did it.
In 1943, in the midst of the war, they prepared the framework for the United Nations and it was handed over to Roosevelt and our State Department to be given birth by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other American traitors, thus making the whole scheme a United States baby. Then to fix our parenthood, New York City was to become the nursery for the monstrosity. After that we could hardly walk out on our own baby now could we? Anyway, that's how the conspirators figured it would work, and so far it has. And the liberal Rockefeller donated the land for the United Nations building.
The United Nations' charter was written by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other CFR stooges. A phony, so-called, UN conference was set up in San Francisco in 1945. All the, so-called, representatives of 50-odd nations gathered there and promptly signed the Charter and the despicable traitor, Alger Hiss, flew to Washington with it, elatedly submitted it to our Senate, and the Senate (elected by our people to safeguard our security) signed the Charter without so much as reading it. The question is, how many of our Senators were even then traitorous stooges of the CFR? Anyway, it was thus that the people accepted the United Nations as a holy of holies, and enabled traitor Earl Warren to virtually destroy our constitution by basing all his traitorous decisions on the UN Charter, thus making that Charter virtually our law of the land.
However, for all the dirty work that had to be done to solidify the UN, the new housing of the one-world plot, they still required the aid of our leaders in Washington. So now I will emphasize the fiendish cleverness of the CFR masterminds. To the vast majority of the American people, our foreign policy for many years has been a complete enigma. Most of us simply can't understand why this great nation is seemingly floundering so helplessly in the art of diplomacy. We can't understand why our leaders are seemingly so confused and bewildered in all their dealings with Moscow, France, and other nations and with the UN. We always hear them proclaiming that in view of our overwhelming economic and military superiority we must always lead from strength. Yet, at all the summit meetings and conferences they cringe and stammer, and stutter, and so to speak come out with their tails between their hind legs. We can't understand the foreign aid to Tito an avowed enemy, to Poland an avowed enemy, to all the avowed Communists nations. We can't understand why the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars has failed to slow down, let alone stop, the march of commUNism. We are perplexed by the seeming ineptness of the state department, the defense department, the CIA, the USIA, of all our federal agencies.
Again and again and again we have been startled, shocked, bewildered, and horrified by their mistakes in Berlin, in Korea, in Laos, in Katanga, in Cuba, in Vietnam-- mistakes that always favored the enemy, never the United States. Under the law of averages, they should have made at least one or two mistakes in our favor, but they never did.
What's the answer? The answer is the CFR and the parts played by their subsidiaries and stooges in Washington. Thus we know that complete control of our foreign relation policy is the key to the success of the entire Illuminati one-world order plot. Here is the further proof:
Earlier I fully established that Schiff and his gang had financed the Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin takeover of Russia and fashioned its communist regime into becoming their chief instrument to keep the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking peace in a UN one-world government. But the conspirators knew that the Moscow gang could not become such an instrument until, and unless, the whole world would accept the communist regime as the legitimate 'de jure' government of Russia.
Only one thing could accomplish that-- recognition by the United States. The conspirators figured that the whole world would follow our lead and that's and that's when the Wilson flop very nearly wrecked the entire plot. Throughout the following three Republican administrations the CFR pulled every trick in their bag to induce Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, to grant that recognition. But all three refused. As a result, in the late 1920's, the Stalin regime was in dire straits. Despite all purges and secret police controls, the Russian people were growing more and more resistive. It is a matter of record, admitted by Lipdenoff, that during 1931 and 1932, Stalin and his whole gang were always packed and ready for instant flight.
Then in November 1932, the conspirators achieved their greatest coup. They landed Franklin Roosevelt in the White House, crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience, that charlatan traitor turned the trick for them. Without even asking consent of Congress, he unlawfully proclaimed recognition for the Stalin regime. That did it. And exactly as the conspirators figured, the whole world did follow our lead. Automatically that squelched the previously growing resistance movement of the Russian people. That automatically launched the greatest menace the civilized world has ever known. The rest is too well known to need repeating.
We know how Roosevelt and his traitorous State Department kept building up the communist menace right here in our country and thus throughout the world. We know how he perpetuated that Pearl Harbor atrocity for his excuse to hurl us into World War II. We know all about his secret meetings with Stalin at Yalta. And how he, with Eisenhower's help, delivered the Balkans and Berlin to Moscow. And last, but by no means least, we know that that 20th century 'Benedict Arnold' not only dragged us into that new corridor, the United Nations, into the one-world government, but he actually schemed all the arrangements to plant it within our country. In short, the day that Roosevelt entered the White House, the CFR conspirators regained full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government.
I wish to stress one other very vital point. That Wilson's League of Nations flop brought Schiff and his gang to the realization that control of just the Democratic Party was not enough. True, they could create a crisis during the Republican administration as they did in 1929 with their Federal Reserve manufactured crash and depression which would bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House, but they realized that a four-year disruption in their control of our foreign relation policies could play havoc with the progress of their conspiracy. It could even break up their entire strategy as it almost did before Roosevelt saved it with his recognition of the Stalin regime.
Thereupon, after that Wilson debacle, they began to formulate plans to achieve control of both of our national parties. But that posed a problem for them. Manpower. Stooges in the Republican Party. Also added manpower for the Democratic Party, because control of just the man in the White House would not be enough. They would have to provide that man with trained stooges for his entire cabinet, men to head the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc.
In short, every member of the various cabinets would have to be a chosen tool of the CFR, such as Rusk and McNamara, also all the under secretaries and assistant secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all our policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges, instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other exigencies.
All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people, but they would have to be men without honor, without scruple, without conscience-- men who would be vulnerable to blackmail. It is needless for me to stress how well the CFR succeeded. The immortal Joe McCarthy fully revealed that there are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies.
Scott MacLeod unmasked thousands more, and you know the price Ortepta has had to pay, and is still paying, for his expositions before a Senate Committee of the traitors in the State Department. And you know that the men in the State Department, who delivered Cuba to Castro, have not only been shielded, but promoted.
[Part 6]
Now let's go back to the crux of the whole one-world government plot and the maneuvering necessary to create another League of Nations to house such a government.
As I have already stated, the conspirators knew that only another world war was vital for the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that the peoples of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could assure everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations were at peace. None had any quarrels with their neighboring nations, and certainly their stooges in Moscow wouldn't dare to start a war. Even Stalin realized that it would mean the overthrow of his regime unless, so-called patriotism would weld the Russian people behind him.
But the conspirators had to have a war. They had to find or create some kind of an incident to launch it. And they found it, in a little inconspicuous and repulsive little man who called himself Adolf Hitler.
Hitler, an impecunious Austrian house painter, had been a corporal in the German army. He made the defeat of Germany into a personal grievance. He began to rabble rouse about it in the Munich, Germany area. He began to spout about restoring the greatness of the German Empire and the might of the German soldiery. He advocated the restoration of the old German military to be used to conquer the whole world. Strangely enough, Hitler, the little clown that he was, could deliver a rabble rousing speech and he did have a certain kind of magnetism. But the new authorities in Germany didn't want anymore wars and they promptly threw the obnoxious Austrian house painter into a prison cell.
Aha! Here was the man, decided the conspirators, who, properly directed and financed, could be the key to another world war. So while he was in prison, they had Rudolph Hess and Goering write a book which they titled Mein Kompf and attributed the authorship to Hitler, exactly as Lipdenoff wrote Mission to Moscow and attributed the authorship to Joseph Davies, then our ambassador to Russia and a stooge of the CFR. In Mein Kompf, Hitler, the pseudo-author, outlined his grievances and how he would restore the German people to their former greatness.
The conspirators then arranged for a wide circulation of the book among the German people in order to arouse a fanatical following for him. On his release from prison (also arranged by the conspirators), they began to groom him and finance him to travel to other parts of Germany to deliver his rabble rousing speeches. Soon he gathered a growing following among other veterans of the war and that soon spread to the masses who began to see in him a saviour for their beloved Germany.
Then came his leadership of what he called his 'brown shirt army' and the march on Berlin. That required a great deal of financing, but the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and others of the conspirators provided all the money he needed. Gradually Hitler became the idol of the German people and then they overthrew the Von Hindenburg government and Hitler became the new Fuhrer. But that still was no reason for a war.
The rest of the world watched Hitler's rise, but saw no reason to interfere in what was distinctly a domestic condition within Germany. Certainly none of the other Nations felt it was a reason for another war against Germany and the German people were not yet incited into enough of a frenzy to commit any acts against any neighboring nation, not even against France, that would lead to a war. The conspirators realized they would have to create such a frenzy-- a frenzy that would cause the German people to throw caution to the winds and at the same time, horrify the whole world. And incidentally, Mein Kompf was actually a follow-up of Karl Marx's book A World Without Jews.
The conspirators suddenly remembered how the Schiff-Rothschild gang had engineered the pogroms in Russia which slaughtered many, many thousands of Jews and created a world-wide hatred for Russia and they decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new Hitler-led German people into a murderous hatred of the Jews.
Now it is true that the German people never had any particular affection for the Jews, but neither did they have an ingrained hatred for them. Such a hatred would have to be manufactured, so Hitler was to create it. This idea more than appealed to Hitler. He saw in it the grisly gimmick to make him the God-man of the German people.
Thus craftily inspired and coached by his financial advisers, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, and all the Illuminati masterminds, he blamed the Jews for the hated Versailles Treaty and for the financial ruination that followed the war. The rest is history. We know all about the Hitler concentration camps and the incineration of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Not the 6,000,000 nor even the 600,000 claimed by the conspirators, but it was enough.
And here let me reiterate how little the internationalist bankers, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Lehmans, Warburgs, Barouks, care about their racial brethren who were the victims of their nefarious schemes. In their eyes, the slaughter of the several hundred thousand innocent Jews by Hitler didn't bother them at all. They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed, was a similar necessary sacrifice. And here is another grisly detail about those concentration camps. Many of the Hitler soldier executioners in those camps had previously been sent to Russia to acquire their arts of torture and brutalization, so as to emphasize the horrors of the atrocities.
All this created a new world-wide hatred for the German people, but it still did not provide a cause for a war. Thereupon Hitler was incited to demand the Sudetenland. You remember how Chamberlain, and the then diplomats of Czechoslovakia and France, surrendered to that demand. That led to further Hitlerian demands for territories in Poland and in the French Saar territories. Those demands were rejected.
Then came his pact with Stalin. Hitler had been screaming hatred against communism. Oh how he ranted against communism! But actually nazism was nothing but socialism, and communism is, in fact, socialism. But Hitler disregarded all that. He entered into a pact with Stalin to attack and divide Poland between them. While Stalin marched into one part of Poland (for which he was never blamed-- the Illuminati masterminds saw to that), Hitler launched a blitzkrieg on Poland from his side. The conspirators finally had their new world war. And what a horrible war it was!
And in 1945, the conspirators finally achieved the United Nations, their new housing for their one-world government. And truly amazing, all of the American people hailed this foul outfit as a holy of holies. Even after all the true facts about how the UN was created were revealed, the American people continued to worship that evil outfit. Even after Alger Hiss was unmasked as a Soviet spy and traitor, the American people continued to believe in the UN.
Even after I had publicly revealed the secret agreement between Hiss and Molotov, that a Russian would always be the head of military secretariat and by that token, the real master of the UN, most of the American people continued to believe that the UN could do no wrong. Even after Trig D. Lee, the first Secretary general of the UN confirmed that Hiss-Molotov secret agreement in his book "For the Cause of Peace", the vast majority of our people refused to loose faith in the UN.
Even after the truth about the Korean war was revealed, how the Russian General Varsilius, head of that UN military secretariat was given a leave of absence by the UN so that he could take command of the North Koreans and Red Chinese who were fighting the so-called UN police action under our own General McArthur, who, by order of the UN, was fired by the pusillanimous Truman in order to prevent his winning that war, our people still believed in the UN despite our 150,000 sons who were murdered and maimed in that war, the people continued to regard the UN as a sure means for peace.
Even after it was revealed in 1951 that the UN, using our own American soldiers under UN command, under UN flag, in collusion with our traitorous State Department and the Pentagon had been invading many small cities in California and Texas in order to perfect their plan for the complete takeover of our country, most of our people brushed it off and continued their belief that the UN is a holy of holies.
Do you know that the UN Charter was written by traitor Alger Hiss, Molotov, and Vyshinsky? That Hiss and Molotov had made that secret agreement that the military chief of the UN was always to be a Russian appointed by Moscow? Do you know that at their secret meetings at Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the behest of the Illuminati operating as the CFR, decided that the UN must be placed on American soil?
Do you know that most of the UN Charter was copied intact, word for word, from the Marx Manifesto and the Russian, so-called constitution? Do you know that the only two Senators who voted against the UN so-called treaty, were the only two Senators who had read it? Do you know that since the UN was founded, communist enslavement has grown from 250,000,000 to 1,000,000,000?
Do you know that since the UN was founded to insure peace, there have been at least 20 major wars incited by the UN, just as they are now inciting a war against Middle Rhodesia? Do you know that under the UN set up, the American taxpayers have been forced to make up the UN Treasury deficit of many millions of dollars because of Russia's refusal to pay her share? Do you know that the UN has never passed a resolution condemning Russia or her so-called satellites, but always condemns our Allies?
Do you know that J. Edgar Hoover said the overwhelming majority of the communist delegations to the UN are espionage agents and now 66 Senators voted for a Consular Treaty to open our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? Do you know that the UN helps Russia's conquest of the world by preventing the free world from taking any action whatsoever except to debate each new aggression in the UN General Assembly?
Do you know that at the time of the Korean War there were 60 Nations in the UN, yet 95% of the UN forces were our American sons and practically 100% of the cost was paid by the United States taxpayers?
And surely you know that the UN policy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning that wars? Do you know that all the battle plans of General McArthur had to go first to the UN to be relayed to Varsilius, Commander of the North Koreans and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the UN flag would have to be fought under the control of the UN Security Council?
Do you know that the UN has never done anything about the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary?
Where was the UN when the Hungarian freedom fighters were slaughtered by the Russians? Do you know that the UN and its peace army turned the Congo over to the communists? Do you know that the UN's own so-called peace force was used to crush, rape, and kill the white anti-communists in Katanga?
Do you know that the UN stood by and did nothing while Red China invaded Laos and Vietnam? That it did nothing while Nehru invaded Goe and other Portuguese territories? Do you know that the UN was directly responsible for aiding Castro? That it does absolutely nothing about the many thousands of Cuban youngsters who are shipped to Russia for communist indoctrination.
Do you know that Adlai Stevenson, of all people, said the free world must expect to lose more and more decisions in the UN. Do you know that the UN openly proclaims that its chief objective is a one-world government which means one-world laws, one-world court, one-world army, one-world navy, one-world air-force, one-world schools, and a one-world church in which Christianity would be prohibited?
Do you know that a UN law has been passed to disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Such a law was secretly signed by 'saint' Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you realize how that fits in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the UN Charter, which states, I quote: "the military staff committee of the UN shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council." And when and if all our armed forces are transferred to the UN, your sons would be forced to serve and die under UN command all over the world. This will happen unless you fight to get the US out of the UN.
Do you know that Congressmen James B. Utt has submitted a bill to get the US out of the UN and a resolution to prevent our President from forcing us to support the UN embargoes on Rhodesia? Well, he has. And many people all over the country are writing to their representatives to support the Utt bill and resolution. And did you know that to off-set the Utt bill and resolution, fifty Congressmen, spear-headed by Schweiker and Moorhead of Pennsylvania, have introduced a bill to immediately transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Can you imagine such brazen treason? Is your Congressman one of those fifty traitors? Find out and take immediate action against him and help Congressman Utt.
Now do you know that the National Council of Churches passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the UN and that all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member of the National Council of Churches? In connection with that, bear in mind that God is never mentioned in the UN Charter and their meetings are never opened with prayer. The creators of the UN stipulated in advance that there should be no mention of God or Jesus Christ in the UN Charter or in its UN headquarters. Does your pastor subscribe to that? Find out!
Furthermore, do you know that the great majority of the so-called nations in the UN are anti-christianity, that the UN is a completely godless organization by orders of its creators, the CFR Illuminati. Have you heard enough of the truth the Illuminati's United Nations? Do you want to leave your sons and our precious country to the unholy mercy of the Illuminati's United Nations?
If you don't, write, telegraph, or phone your Representatives and Senators that they must support Congressman Utt's bill to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Do it today, now, before you forget! It is the only salvation for your sons and for our country.
[4. Destroy religion.]
Now I have one more vital message to deliver. As I told you, one of the four specific assignments Rothschild gave Jacob Schiff was to create a movement to destroy religion in the United States with Christianity to be the chief target. For a very obvious reason, the Anti-Defamation League wouldn't dare to attempt it because such an attempt could create the most terrible blood bath in the history of the world, not only for the ADL and the conspirators, but for the millions of innocent Jews.
Schiff turned that job over to Rockefeller for another specific reason. The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by those who are entrusted to preserve it. By the pastors-- the men of the cloth.
As a starter, John D. Rockefeller picked up a young, so-called, Christian minister by the name of Dr. Harry F. Ward-- Reverend Ward if you please. At that time he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary. Rockefeller found a very willing 'Judas' in this Reverend and thereupon in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service and Ward's job was to teach bright young men to become, so-called ministers of Christ and to place them as pastors of churches.
While teaching them to become ministers, the Reverend Ward also taught them how to subtly and craftily preach to their congregations that the entire story of Christ was a myth to cast doubts on the divinity of Christ, to cast doubts about the virgin Mary-- in short, to cast doubts on Christianity as a whole. It was not to be a direct attack, but much of it to be done by crafty insinuation that was to be applied, in particular, to the youth in the Sunday schools.
Remember Lenin's statement, "Give me just one generation of youth and I'll transform the whole world." Then in 1908, the Methodist Foundation of Social Service, which incidentally was America's first communist front organization, changed its name to the Federal Council of Churches. By 1950, the Federal Council of Churches was becoming very suspect so in 1950 they changed the name to the National Council of Churches.
Do I have to tell you more about how this National Council of Churches is deliberately destroying faith in Christianity? I don't think so. But this I will tell you. If you are a member of any congregation whose pastor and church are members of this Judas organization, you-- your contributions-- are helping the Illuminati's plot to destroy Christianity and your faith in God and Jesus Christ thus you are deliberately delivering your children to be indoctrinated with disbelief in God and Church and which can easily transform them into atheists.
Find out immediately if your Church is a member of the National Council of Churches and, for the love of God and your children, if it is, withdraw from it at once. However, let me warn you that the same destroy-religion process has been infiltrated into other denominations. If you have seen the Negro march on Selma and other such demonstrations, you have seen how the Negro mobs are led and encouraged by ministers, and even Catholic priests and nuns, who march along with them. As a matter of fact, the Mormon Church is about the only one I know of that is clean of that kind of Judas infiltration.
Of course there are many individual churches and pastors who are honest and sincere. Find one such for yourself and for your children. Incidentally, this same Reverend Harry F. Ward was also one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, a notorious pro-communist organization. He was the actual head of it from 1920 to 1940. He also was a co-founder of the American League Against War and Fascism which, under Browder, became the Communist Party of the United States.
In short, Ward's entire background reeked of communism and he was identified as a member of the communist party. He died a vicious traitor to both his church and country. And this was the man old John D. Rockefeller picked and financed to destroy America's Christian religion in accordance with the orders given to Schiff by the Rothschilds.
In conclusion I have this to say: You probably are familiar with the story of how one Dr. Frankenstein created a monster to do his will of destroying his chosen victims but how instead in the end, that monster turned on his own creator, Frankenstein, and destroyed him. Well, the Illuminati CFR has created a monster called the United Nations, who is supported by their minority groups, rioting negroes, the traitorous mass communications media, and the traitors in Washington was created to destroy the American people.
We know all about that many-headed hydra-monster and we know the names of those who created that monster. We know all their names and I predict that one fine day the American people will come fully awake and cause that very monster to destroy its creator. True! The majority of our people are still being brainwashed, deceived, and deluded by our traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in Washington, but surely by now enough is known about the UN to stamp out that outfit as a deadly poisonous rattlesnake in our midst.
My only wonder, is what it will take to awaken and arouse our people to the full proof? Perhaps this record will do it. A hundred thousand or a million copies of this record can do it. I pray to God it will. And I pray to Him to inspire you, all of you, to spread this story via this record, to all loyal Americans in your community.
You can do it by playing it to study groups assembled in your homes, at meetings of the American Legion, the VFW, the DAR, all other civic groups and women's clubs-- especially the women's clubs who have their sons lives at stake. With this record, I have provided you with the weapon that will destroy the monster. For the love of God, of our Country, and of your children, use it! Get a copy of it into every American home.
It is up to you and you, all of the American people, to force Congress, our elected servants, to haul in those American traitors for impeachments and that when proven guilty, they all be given the punishment prescribed for traitors who aid and abet our enemies. And that includes the forcing of rigid investigations by Congress of the CFR and all their fronts, such as the ADL, the NAACP, SNIC, and such Illuminati tools as Martin 'Lucifer' King. Such investigations will completely unmask all the leaders in Washington and the Illuminati and all their affiliations and affiliates as traitors carrying out the Illuminati plot. It will completely unmask the United Nations as the intended crux of the entire plot and force Congress to take the US out of the UN and hurl the UN out of the US. In fact, it will destroy the UN and the entire plot.
Before I close this phase, I wish to reiterate and stress one vital point which I urge you to never forget if you wish to save our country for your children and their children. Here is the point. Every unconstitutional and unlawful act committed by Woodrow Wilson, by Franklin Roosevelt, by Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy and are now being committed by Johnson, is exactly in line with the Illuminati conspirators centuries-old plot outlined by Weishaupt and Albert Pike. Every vicious decision issued by the traitorous Earl Warren and his equally traitorous Supreme Court justices was directly in line with what the Illuminati blueprint required. That all the treason committed by our State Department under Rusk and earlier by John Foster Dulles, and Marshall, also all the treason committed by McNamara and his predecessors is directly in line with that same Illuminati blueprint for the takeover of the world. Also the amazing treason by various members of our Congress, especially by the 66 Senators who signed for the Consular Treaty, has been committed on orders from the Illuminati.
[Part 4]
Now I will go back to Jacob Schiff's entrapment of our money system and the treasonous actions that followed. It will also reveal the Schiff-Rothschild control of not only Karl Marx, but of Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, who created the revolution in Russia and set up the Communist Party.
It was in 1908 that Schiff decided that the time had come for his seizure of our money system. His chief lieutenants in that seizure were Colonel Edward Mandell House whose entire career was that of chief executive and courier for Schiff as I shall show, Bernard Barouk, and Herbert Lehman. In the fall of that year, they assembled in secret conclave at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, owned by J.P. Morgan at Jekyll Island, Georgia. Among those present were J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Colonel House, Senator Nelson Aldrich, Schiff, Stillman and Vandlelip of the New York National City Bank, W. and J. Seligman, Eugene Myer, Bernard Barouk, Herbert Lehman, Paul Warburg, in short, all of the international bankers in America. All of them members of the hierarchy of the Illuminati's great conspiracy.
A week later they emerged with what they called the Federal Reserve System. Senator Aldrich was the stooge who was to railroad it through Congress, but they held that railroading in abeyance for one chief reason. They would first have to plant their man, an obedient stooge, in the White House to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law. They knew that even if the Senate would pass that act unanimously, the then newly elected President Taft would promptly veto it. So they waited.
In 1912, their man, Woodrow Wilson, was elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated, Senator Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act through both houses of Congress and Wilson promptly signed it and the Federal Reserve Act became law. That heinous act of treason was committed on December 23, 1913, two days before Christmas when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully picked Representatives and three equally carefully picked Senators, were away from Washington. How heinous treasonous was that act? I'll tell you. Our founding fathers knew full well the power of money. They knew that whoever had that power held the destiny of our nation in his hands. Therefore, they carefully guarded this power when they set forth in the Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people, alone would have the power. The Constitutional language on this point is brief, concise, and specific, stated in Article I, Section 8, Paragraph 5, defining the duties and powers of Congress, and I quote: "to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and the standard of weights and measures." But on that tragic, unforgettable day of infamy, December 23, 1913, the men we sent to Washington to safeguard our interests, the Representatives and Senators and Woodrow Wilson, delivered the destiny of our nation into the hands of two aliens from Eastern Europe, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. Warburg was a very recent immigrant who came here on orders from Rothschild for the express purpose of blueprinting that foul Federal Reserve Act.
Now the vast majority of the American people think that the Federal Reserve System is the United States Government owned agency. That is positively false. All of the stock of the federal reserve banks is owned by the member banks and the heads of the member banks are all members of the hierarchy of the great Illuminati conspiracy known today as the CFR.
The details of that act of treason, in which many traitorous so-called Americans participated, are far too long for this reporting, but all those details are available in a book entitled, "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy", written by Eustace Mullins. In that book, Mullins tells the entire horrifying story and backs it up with unquestionable documentations. Aside from it being a truly fascinating and shocking story of that great betrayal, every American should read it as a matter of vital intelligence for the time when the whole American people will finally come awake and smash the entire conspiracy and with God's help, that awakening will surely come. You can get a copy of that book from the publisher, The Christian Educational Association, 530 Chestnut St., Union, New Jersey.
Now if you think that those aliens and their by accident-of-birth American co-conspirators would be content with just the control of our money system, you are in for another very sad shock. The Federal Reserve System gave the conspirators complete control of our money system, but it in no way touched the earnings of the people because the Constitution positively forbids what is now known as the 20% withholding tax. But the Illuminati blueprint for one-world enslavement called for the confiscation of all private property and control of individual earning powers. This, and Karl Marx stressed that feature in his blueprint, had to be accomplished by a progressive graduated income tax. As I have stated, such a tax could not lawfully be imposed upon the American people. It is succinctly and expressly forbidden by our Constitution. Thus, only an Amendment to the Constitution could give the federal government such confiscatory powers.
Well, that too was not an insurmountable problem for our Machiavellian plotters. The same elected leaders in both houses of Congress and the same Mr. Woodrow Wilson, who signed the infamous Federal Reserve Act into law, amended the Constitution to make the federal income tax, known as the 16th Amendment, a law of the land. Both are illegal under our Constitution. In short, the same traitors signed both betrayals, the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, into law. However, it seems that nobody ever realized that the 16th amendment was set up to rob, and I do mean rob, the people of their earnings via the income tax provision.
The plotters didn't fully use the provision until World War II when that great humanitarian, Franklin Roosevelt, applied a 20% withholding tax on all small wage earners and up to 90% on higher incomes. Oh, of course, he faithfully promised that it would be only for the duration of the war, but what was a promise to such a charlatan who in 1940, when he was running for his third term, kept proclaiming: "I say again and again and again that I will never send American boys to fight on foreign soil." Remember? He was proclaiming that even as he was already preparing to plunge us into World War II by enticing the Japanese into that 'sneak attack' on Pearl Harbor to furnish him with his excuse.
And before I forget, let me remind you that another charlatan named Woodrow Wilson used exactly that same campaign slogan in 1916. His slogan was, "Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war." Exactly the same formula, exactly the same promises. But wait, as Al Jolson used to say, "You ain't heard nothin' yet." That 16th Amendment income tax trap was intended to confiscate-- rob-- the earnings only of the common herd, you and me. It was not intended to even touch the huge incomes of the Illuminati gang, the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Lehmans, and all the other conspirators.
So together, with that 16th Amendment, they created what they called the tax-free foundations that would enable the conspirators to transform their huge wealth into such so-called foundations and avoid payment of virtually all income taxes. The excuse for it was that the earnings of those tax-free foundations would be devoted to humanitarian philanthropy. So we now have the several Rockefeller Foundations, the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and hundreds of similar tax-free foundations.
And what kind of philanthropy do these foundations support? Well, they finance all the civil rights groups that are creating all the chaos and rioting all over the country. They finance the Martin 'Lucifer' Kings. The Ford Foundation finances the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, commonly referred to as Moscow West, and which is headed by 'wonder boy' Hutchens, Walter Ruther, Erwin Canham and others of that ilk.
In short, the tax-free foundations financed those who are doing the job for the Illuminati's great conspiracy. And what are the hundreds of billions of dollars they confiscate every year from the earnings of the common herd, you and me, used for? Well, for one thing, there is the foreign aid gimmick which gave billions to communist Tito, plus gifts of hundreds of jet planes, many of which were turned over to Castro, plus the costs of training communist pilots so that they can the better to shoot down our planes. Billions to red Poland. Billions to India. Billions to Sukarno. Billions to other enemies of the United States. That's what that treasonously railroaded 16th Amendment has done to our nation, to the American people, to you and to me, to your children and their children.
Our CFR Illuminati controlled federal government can grant tax-free status to all foundations and pro-red one-world outfits, such as the Fund for the Republic. But if you or a patriotic pro-organization is too outspokenly pro-American, they can terrify and intimidate you by finding a misplaced comma in your income-tax report and by threatening you with penalties, fines, and even prison. Future historians will wonder how the American people could have been so naive and stupid as to have permitted such audacious brazen acts of treason as the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Well, they were not naive and they were not stupid. The answer is, they trusted the men they elected to safeguard our country and our people, and they just didn't have even an inkling about either betrayal, until after each one had been accomplished.
It was the Illuminati controlled mass communications media that kept, and is keeping, our people naive and stupid and unaware of the treason being committed. Now the great question is, when will the people wake up and do to our traitors of today what George Washington and our founding fathers would have done to Benedict Arnold? Actually, Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor compared to our present traitors in Washington. Now let's go back to the events that followed the rape of our Constitution by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment. Was Wilson completely under their control?
The masterminds of the great conspiracy put in motion their next and what they hoped would be their final steps to achieve their one-world government. The first of those steps was to be World War I. Why War? Simple. The only excuse for a one-world government was that it will supposedly ensure peace. The only thing that can make people cry for peace, is war. War brings chaos, destruction, exhaustion, to winner as well as to loser. It brings economic ruin to both. Most important, it destroys the flower of the young manhood of both. To the saddened and heartbroken oldsters the mothers and fathers who are left with nothing but memories of their beloved sons, peace becomes worth any price. And that is the emotion upon which the conspirators depend for the success of their satanic plot.
Throughout the 19th century, from 1814 to 1914, the world, as a whole, was at peace. Such wars as the Franco-Prussian, our own Civil War, the Russo-Japanese War, were what might be termed local disturbances that did not affect the rest of the world. All the great nations were prosperous and the people staunchly nationalistic and fiercely proud of their sovereignties. It was utterly unthinkable that the French and the German peoples would be willing to live under a one-world government, or the Turks and the Russians, or the Chinese and the Japanese. Even more unthinkable is that a Kaiser Wilhelm, or a Franz Joseph, or a Czar Nicholas, or any Monarch, would willingly and meekly surrender his throne to a one-world government. But bear in mind that the peoples in all nations are the real power and only one thing, war, could make the peoples yearn and clamor for a peace-ensuring one-world government. But it would have to be a frightful and horribly devastating war. It could not be just a local disturbing war between just two nations, it would have to be a world war. No major nation must be left untouched by the horrors and devastation of such a war. The cry for peace must be made universal.
Actually that was the format set by the Illuminati and Nathan Rothschild at the turn of the 19th century. They first maneuvered all of Europe into the Napoleonic Wars, then the Congress in Vienna which they, and particularly Rothschild, planned to transform into a League of Nations which was to have been the housing for their one-world government, exactly as the present United Nations was set up to be the housing for the forthcoming, God forbid, one-world government. Anyway, that was the format the House of Rothschild and Jacob Schiff decided to employ to achieve their objective in 1914. Of course they knew that the same format had failed in 1814, but they theorized, that this was only because the Czar of Russia had torpedoed that scheme. Well, the present 1914 conspirators would eliminate that 1814 'fly in the ointment'. They'd make sure that after the new world war that they were conspiring, there'd be no Czar of Russia around to throw monkey-wrenches into the machinery.
I won't go into how they accomplished this first step to launch a world war. History records that World War I was precipitated by a trivial incident, the kind of incident both Weishaupt and Albert Pike had incorporated in their blueprints. That incident was the assassination of an Austrian Archduke arranged by the Illuminati masterminds. The war followed. It involved Germany, Austria, Hungary, and their allies (so-called the Axis powers), against France, Britain, and Russia, called the Allies. Only the United States was not involved during the first two years.
By 1917 the conspirators had achieved their primary objective. All of Europe was in a state of destitution. All the peoples were war weary and crying for 'peace'. And the outcome too was all set. It was to come as soon as the United States would be hurled on the side of the Allies, and that was all set to happen immediately after Wilson's re-election. After that, there could be only one outcome. Complete victory for the Allies. To fully confirm my statement that long before 1917, the conspiracy, headed in America by Jacob Schiff, had it all set to hurl the United States into that war, I will cite the proof:
When Wilson was campaigning for re-election in 1916, his chief appeal was "re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war." But during that same campaign, the Republican Party publicly charged that Wilson had long committed himself to throw us into the war. They charged that if he would be defeated he would accomplish that act during his few remaining months in office, but if re-elected, he would hold off until after re-election. But at that time the American people looked upon Wilson as a God-man. Well, Wilson was re-elected and as per the schedule of the conspirators, he hurled us into the war in 1917. He used the sinking of the Lusitania as an excuse-- a sinking which also was prearranged. Roosevelt, also a God-man in the eyes of the American people, followed the same technique in 1941 when he used the prearranged Pearl Harbor attack as his excuse for hurling us into World War II.
Now exactly as the conspirators planned, victory for the Allies would eliminate all the Monarchs of the defeated Nations and leave all their peoples leaderless, confused, bewildered, and perfectly conditioned for the one-world government the great conspiracy intended would follow. But there still would be an obstacle, the same obstacle that had balked the Illuminati and Rothschild at that Congress in Vienna 'peace gathering' after the Napoleonic Wars.
Russia would be on the winning side this time as it was in 1814 and therefore the Czar would be securely on his throne. Here it is pertinent to note that Russia, under the Czarist regime, had been the one country in which the Illuminati had never made any headway nor had the Rothschilds ever been able to infiltrate in their banking interests thus a winning Czar would be more difficult than ever to cope with. Even if he could be enticed into a so-called League of Nations, it was a foregone conclusion that he would never, but never, go for a one-world government.
So even before the outbreak of World War I, the conspirators had a plan in the making to carry out Nathan Rothschild's vow of 1814 to destroy the Czar and also murder all possible royal heirs to the throne and it would have to be done before the close of the war. And the Russian Bolsheviki were to be their instruments in this particular plot. From the turn of the century, the chiefs of the Bolsheviki were Nicolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin.
Of course, those were not their true family names. Prior to the outbreak of the war, Lenin headquartered in Paris. After the outbreak, Switzerland became his haven. Trotsky's headquarters was on the lower East Side in New York, largely the habitat of Russian-Jewish refugees. Both Lenin and Trotsky were similarly bewhiskered and unkempt. In those days, that was the badge of Bolshevism. Both lived well yet neither had a regular occupation.
Neither had any visible means of support, yet both always had plenty of money. All those mysteries were solved in 1917. Right from the outset of the war, strange and mysterious goings-on were taking place in New York. Night after night, Trotsky darted furtively in and out of Jacob Schiff's palatial mansion. And in the dead of those same nights there were a gathering of hoodlums of New York's lower east side-- all of them Russian refugees at Trotsky's headquarters, and all were going through some mysterious sort of training process that was all shrouded in mystery. Nobody talked, although it did leak out that Schiff was financing all of Trotsky's activities.
Then suddenly Trotsky vanished. So did approximately 300 of his trained hoodlums. Actually they were on the high seas in a Schiff-chartered ship bound for a rendezvous with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. And on that ship was $20 million in gold. The $20 million Schiff provided to finance the Bolsheviki takeover of Russia. In anticipation of Trotsky's arrival, Lenin prepared to throw a party in his Switzerland hideaway.
Men of the very highest places in the world were to be guests at that party. Among them were the mysterious Colonel Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson's mentor and palsy-walsy, and more important, Schiff's special and confidential messenger. Another of the expected guests was Warburg, of the Warburg Banking Clan in Germany who was financing the Kaiser and whom the Kaiser had rewarded by making him chief of the Secret Police of Germany. In addition, there were the Rothschilds of London and Paris, also Lithenoth, Kakonavich, and Stalin (who was then the head of a train and bank robbing gang of bandits). He was known as the 'Jesse James of the Urals'.
And here I must remind you that England and France were then long in the war with Germany and that on February 3, 1917, Wilson had broken off all diplomatic relations with Germany. Therefore, Warburg, Colonel House, the Rothschilds, and all those others were enemies, but of course, Switzerland was neutral ground where enemies could meet and be friends, especially if they had some scheme in common.
That Lenin party was very nearly wrecked by an unforeseen incident. The Schiff-chartered ship on its way to Switzerland was intercepted and taken into custody by a British warship. But Schiff quickly rushed orders to Wilson to order the British to release the ship intact with the Trotsky hoodlums and the gold. Wilson obeyed. He warned the British that if they refused to release the ship, the United States would not enter the war in April as he had faithfully promised a year earlier.
The British headed the warning. Trotsky arrived in Switzerland and the Lenin party went off as scheduled. But they still faced what ordinarily would have been the insurmountable obstacle of getting the Lenin-Trotsky band of terrorists across the border into Russia. Well, that's where Brother Warburg, chief of the German Secret Police, came in. He loaded all those thugs into sealed freight cars and made all the necessary arrangements for their secret entry into Russia. The rest is history. The revolution in Russia took place and all members of the royal Romanoff family were murdered.
Now my chief objective is to establish beyond even a remote doubt that communism, so-called, is an integral part of the Illuminati great conspiracy for the enslavement of the entire world. That communism, so-called, is merely their weapon and bogy man word to terrify the peoples of the whole world and that the conquest of Russia and the creation of communism was, in great part, organized by Schiff and the other international bankers right in our own city of New York.
A fantastic story? Yes. Some might even refuse to believe it. Well, for the benefit of any 'doubting Thomas', I will prove it by reminding that just a few years ago Charlie Knickerbocker, a Hearst newspaper columnist, published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob, in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and named the figure old Jacob contributed, $20,000,000.
[Part 5]
If anybody still has even a remote doubt that the entire menace of communism was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy right in our own city of New York, I will cite the following historical fact: All records show that when Lenin and Trotsky engineered the capture of Russia, they operated as heads of the Bolsheviki party. Now, Bolshevism is a purely Russian word.
The masterminds realized that Bolshevism could never be sold as an ideology to any but the Russian people. So in April 1918, Jacob Schiff dispatched Colonel House to Moscow with orders to Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, to change the name of their regime to the Communist Party and to adopt the Karl Marx Manifesto as the constitution of the Communist Party. Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin obeyed, and that year of 1918 was when the Communist party and the menace of communism came into being. All this is confirmed in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Fifth Edition.
In short, communism was created by the capitalists. Thus, until November 11, 1918, the entire fiendish plan of the conspirators worked perfectly. All the great nations, including the United States, were war-weary, devastated, and mourning their dead. Peace was the great universal desire. Thus when it was proposed by Wilson to set up a League of Nations to ensure peace, all the great nations, with no Russian Czar to stand in their way, jumped on that bandwagon without even stopping to read the fine print in that insurance policy.
That is, all but one-- the United States-- the very one that Schiff and his co-conspirators least expected would balk. And that was their one fatal mistake in that early plot. You see, when Schiff planted Woodrow Wilson in the White House, the conspirators assumed that they had the United States in the proverbial bag. Wilson had been perfectly built up as a great humanitarian. He supposedly became established as a god-man with the American people. There was every reason for the conspirators to have believed that he would easily hornswoggle Congress into buying the League of Nations, 'sight unseen', exactly as the Congress of 1945 bought the United Nations, 'sight unseen'.
But there was one man in the Senate in 1918 who saw through that scheme just as the Russian Czar did in 1814. He was a man of great political stature, almost as great as that of Teddy Roosevelt, and fully as astute. He was highly respected and trusted by all members of both houses of Congress and by the American people. The name of that great and patriotic American was Henry Cabot Lodge, (not the phony of today who called himself Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., until he was exposed).
Lodge completely unmasked Wilson and kept the United States out of the League of Nations. Here it becomes of great interest to know the real reason for the Wilson League of Nations flop. As I previously stated, Schiff was sent to the United States to carry out four specific assignments:
1. And most important, was to acquire complete control of the US money system.
2. As outlined in the original Weishaupt Illuminati blueprint, he was to find the right kind of men to serve as stooges for the great conspiracy and promote them into the highest offices in our federal government, our Congress, our US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc.
3. Destroy the unity of the American people by creating minority group strife throughout the nation-- especially between the whites and blacks, as outlined in Israel Cohen's book.
4. Create a movement to destroy religion of the United States with Christianity to be the chief target or victim.
In addition, he was strongly reminded of the imperative directive in the Illuminati blueprint to achieve full control of all mass communications media to be used to brainwash the people into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy. Schiff was warned that only control of the press, at that time our only mass communications media, would enable him to destroy the unity of the American people.
Now then, Schiff and his co-conspirators did set up the NAACP (the National Association for the Advancement of the Colored People) in 1909 and in 1913 he set up the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith. Both were to create the necessary strife, but in the early years, the ADL operated very timidly. Perhaps for fear of a pogrom-like action by an aroused and enraged American people and the NAACP was practically dormant because its white leadership didn't realize that they would have to develop fire-brand Negro leaders, such as Martin 'Lucifer' King for one, to spark the then completely satisfied, contented mass of Negroes.
In addition, he, Schiff, was busy developing and infiltrating the stooges to serve in all high places in our Washington government and in the job of acquiring control of our money system and the creation of the 16th Amendment. He also was very busy with the organizing of the plot for the takeover of Russia. In short, he was kept so busy with all those jobs that he completely overlooked the supreme job of acquiring complete control of our mass communications media. That oversight was a direct cause for Wilson's failure to lure the United States into the League of Nations because when Wilson decided to go to the people to overcome the opposition of the Lodge-controlled Senate, despite his established, but phony reputation as a great humanitarian, he found himself faced by a solidly united people and by a loyal press whose only ideology was Americanism and the American way of life.
At that time, due to the ineptness and ineffectiveness of the ADL and the NAACP, there were no organized minority groups, no Negro problems, no so-called anti-Semitic problems to sway the people's thinking. There were no lefts, there were no rights, no prejudices for crafty exploitations. Thus Wilson's League of Nations appeal fell on deaf ears. That was the end of Woodrow Wilson, the conspirators great humanitarian. He quickly abandoned his crusade and returned to Washington where he shortly died an imbecile brought on by syphilis and that was the end of the League of Nations as a corridor into one-world government.
Of course that debacle was a terrible disappointment to the masterminds of the Illuminati conspiracy, but they were not discouraged. As I have previously stressed, this enemy never quits. They simply decided to reorganize and try from scratch again. By this time Schiff was very old and slow. He knew it. He knew that the conspiracy needed a new younger and more active generalship.
So on his orders, Colonel House and Bernard Barouk organized and set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, the new name under which the Illuminati would continue to function in the United States. The hierarchy, officers and directors of the CFR, is composed principally of descendants of the original Illuminati, many of whom who had abandoned their old family name and acquired new Americanized names.
For one example, we have Dillon, who was Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was Laposky. Another example is Pauley, head of the CBS TV channel, whose true name is Palinsky. The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in number and contains the heads of virtually every industrial empire in America such as Blough, president of the US Steel Corporation, Rockefeller, king of the oil industry, Henry Ford, II, and so on. And of course, all the international bankers. Also, the heads of the tax-free foundations are officers and/or active CFR members. In short, all the men who provide the money and the influence to elect the CFR-chosen Presidents of the United States, the Congressmen, the Senators, and who decide the appointments of our various Secretaries of State, of the Treasury, of every important federal agency, are members of the CFR and they are very obedient members indeed.
Now just to cement that fact, I will mention the names of the United States Presidents who were members of the CFR: Franklin Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jack Kennedy. Others who were considered for the presidency are Thomas E. Dewey, Adlai Stevenson, Nixon, and vice-president of a CFR subsidiary, Barry Goldwater. Among the important cabinet members of the various administrations we have John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Cordell Hull, John J. McCloy, Robert Morganthau, Clarence Dillon, Rusk, McNamara, and just to emphasize the red color of the CFR we have as members such men as Alger Hiss, Ralph Bunche, Pasvolsky, Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss), Owen Lattimore, Phillip Jaffey, etc. etc. Simultaneously, they were flooding thousands of homosexuals and other blackmailable characters into all the federal agencies from the White House down. Remember Johnson's great friends, Jenkins and Bobby Baker?
Now there were many jobs the new CFR had to accomplish. They required much help. So their first job was to set up various subsidiaries to whom they assigned special objectives. I can't name all the subsidiaries in this recording, but the following are a few: the Foreign Policy Association (FPA), the World Affairs Council (WAC), the Business Advisory Council (BAC), the notorious ADA (Americans for Democratic Action virtually headed by Walter Ruther), the notorious '13-13' in Chicago, Barry Goldwater was, and no doubt still is, a vice-president of one of the CFR subsidiaries. In addition, the CFR set up special committees in every state in the Union to whom they assigned the various local state operations.
Simultaneously, the Rothschilds set up similar CFR-like control groups in England, France, Germany, and other Nations, to control world conditions and cooperate with the CFR to bring about another world war. But the CFR's first and foremost job was to get complete control of our mass communications media.
The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller. Thus, Henry Luce, who recently died, was financed to set up a number of national magazines, among them Life, Time, Fortune, and others, which publish "USS.R. in America". The Rockefellers also directly or indirectly financed the Cowles Brothers' "Look" magazine and a chain of newspapers. They also financed a man named Sam Newhouse to buy up and build a chain of newspapers all over the country. And the late Eugene Myer, one of the founders of CFR, bought the Washington Post, Newsweek, the Weekly Magazine, and other publications.
At the same time, the CFR began to develop and nurture a new breed of scurrilous columnists and editorials writers such as Walter Lippman, Drew Pearson, the Alsops, Herbert Matthews, Erwin Canham, and others of that ilk who called themselves Liberals who proclaimed that Americanism is isolationism, that isolationism is war mongerism, that anti-communism, is anti-Semitism and racism.
All that took time of course, but today, our entire press, except for some local small town papers and weeklies, published by patriotic organizations, is completely controlled by CFR stooges and thus they finally succeeded in breaking us up into a nation of quarreling, wrangling, squabbling, hating factions. Now if you still wonder about this slanted news and outright lies you read in your paper, you now have the answer. To the Lehmans, Goldman-Sachs, Kuhn-Loebs, and the Warburgs, the CFR assigned the job of getting control of the motion picture industry (Hollywood), radio, and television, and believe you me, they succeeded.
If you still wonder about the strange propaganda broadcast by the Ed Morrows, Jeff Huntley, Howard K. Smith, Erick Severide, Drew Pearson and others of that ilk, you now have the answer. If you wonder about all the smut, sex, pornography, and mixed marriage films you see in your movie theater and on your TV set, all of which is demoralizing our youth, you have the answer.
The whole story of the CFR conspiracy take-over of our mass communications media is far to long to included in this recording but you can find it in the news bulletin #125 entitled "How to Get the 'Reds' Out of Communications Media". It was published and brought up to date by the Cinema Educational Guild. It tells in detail how the press, movies, the TV and Radio have been, and still are, used to brainwash the people and demoralize our youth and they have been and still are encouraging and creating sympathy for the rioting Negroes civil rights lawlessness. You can get a copy of this news bulletin by writing to the Cinema Educational Guild, PO Box 46205, Hollywood California.
Now to refresh your memory, let's go back for a moment. Wilson's flop had torpedoed all chances of transforming that League of Nations into the conspirators' hoped-for one-world government housing. So the Jacob Schiff plot had to be done all over again, and they organized the CFR to do it. We also know how successfully the CFR did that job of brainwashing and destroying the unity of the American people.
But, as was the case with the Schiff plot, the climax and the creation of a new housing for their one world government required another world war. A war that would be even more horrible and more devastating than the first world war in order to get the people of the world to again clamor for peace and a means to end all wars. But the CFR realized that the aftermath of World War II would have to be more carefully planned so that there would be no escape from the new one-world trap, another League of Nations, that would emerge from the new war; the trap we now know as the United Nations. And they hit upon a perfect strategy to ensure that no-one escaped. Here is how they did it.
In 1943, in the midst of the war, they prepared the framework for the United Nations and it was handed over to Roosevelt and our State Department to be given birth by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other American traitors, thus making the whole scheme a United States baby. Then to fix our parenthood, New York City was to become the nursery for the monstrosity. After that we could hardly walk out on our own baby now could we? Anyway, that's how the conspirators figured it would work, and so far it has. And the liberal Rockefeller donated the land for the United Nations building.
The United Nations' charter was written by Alger Hiss, Pasvolsky, Dalton Trumbull, and other CFR stooges. A phony, so-called, UN conference was set up in San Francisco in 1945. All the, so-called, representatives of 50-odd nations gathered there and promptly signed the Charter and the despicable traitor, Alger Hiss, flew to Washington with it, elatedly submitted it to our Senate, and the Senate (elected by our people to safeguard our security) signed the Charter without so much as reading it. The question is, how many of our Senators were even then traitorous stooges of the CFR? Anyway, it was thus that the people accepted the United Nations as a holy of holies, and enabled traitor Earl Warren to virtually destroy our constitution by basing all his traitorous decisions on the UN Charter, thus making that Charter virtually our law of the land.
However, for all the dirty work that had to be done to solidify the UN, the new housing of the one-world plot, they still required the aid of our leaders in Washington. So now I will emphasize the fiendish cleverness of the CFR masterminds. To the vast majority of the American people, our foreign policy for many years has been a complete enigma. Most of us simply can't understand why this great nation is seemingly floundering so helplessly in the art of diplomacy. We can't understand why our leaders are seemingly so confused and bewildered in all their dealings with Moscow, France, and other nations and with the UN. We always hear them proclaiming that in view of our overwhelming economic and military superiority we must always lead from strength. Yet, at all the summit meetings and conferences they cringe and stammer, and stutter, and so to speak come out with their tails between their hind legs. We can't understand the foreign aid to Tito an avowed enemy, to Poland an avowed enemy, to all the avowed Communists nations. We can't understand why the expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars has failed to slow down, let alone stop, the march of commUNism. We are perplexed by the seeming ineptness of the state department, the defense department, the CIA, the USIA, of all our federal agencies.
Again and again and again we have been startled, shocked, bewildered, and horrified by their mistakes in Berlin, in Korea, in Laos, in Katanga, in Cuba, in Vietnam-- mistakes that always favored the enemy, never the United States. Under the law of averages, they should have made at least one or two mistakes in our favor, but they never did.
What's the answer? The answer is the CFR and the parts played by their subsidiaries and stooges in Washington. Thus we know that complete control of our foreign relation policy is the key to the success of the entire Illuminati one-world order plot. Here is the further proof:
Earlier I fully established that Schiff and his gang had financed the Lenin-Trotsky-Stalin takeover of Russia and fashioned its communist regime into becoming their chief instrument to keep the world in turmoil and to finally terrorize all of us into seeking peace in a UN one-world government. But the conspirators knew that the Moscow gang could not become such an instrument until, and unless, the whole world would accept the communist regime as the legitimate 'de jure' government of Russia.
Only one thing could accomplish that-- recognition by the United States. The conspirators figured that the whole world would follow our lead and that's and that's when the Wilson flop very nearly wrecked the entire plot. Throughout the following three Republican administrations the CFR pulled every trick in their bag to induce Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover, to grant that recognition. But all three refused. As a result, in the late 1920's, the Stalin regime was in dire straits. Despite all purges and secret police controls, the Russian people were growing more and more resistive. It is a matter of record, admitted by Lipdenoff, that during 1931 and 1932, Stalin and his whole gang were always packed and ready for instant flight.
Then in November 1932, the conspirators achieved their greatest coup. They landed Franklin Roosevelt in the White House, crafty, unscrupulous, and utterly without conscience, that charlatan traitor turned the trick for them. Without even asking consent of Congress, he unlawfully proclaimed recognition for the Stalin regime. That did it. And exactly as the conspirators figured, the whole world did follow our lead. Automatically that squelched the previously growing resistance movement of the Russian people. That automatically launched the greatest menace the civilized world has ever known. The rest is too well known to need repeating.
We know how Roosevelt and his traitorous State Department kept building up the communist menace right here in our country and thus throughout the world. We know how he perpetuated that Pearl Harbor atrocity for his excuse to hurl us into World War II. We know all about his secret meetings with Stalin at Yalta. And how he, with Eisenhower's help, delivered the Balkans and Berlin to Moscow. And last, but by no means least, we know that that 20th century 'Benedict Arnold' not only dragged us into that new corridor, the United Nations, into the one-world government, but he actually schemed all the arrangements to plant it within our country. In short, the day that Roosevelt entered the White House, the CFR conspirators regained full control of our foreign relations machinery and firmly established the United Nations as the housing for the Illuminati one-world government.
I wish to stress one other very vital point. That Wilson's League of Nations flop brought Schiff and his gang to the realization that control of just the Democratic Party was not enough. True, they could create a crisis during the Republican administration as they did in 1929 with their Federal Reserve manufactured crash and depression which would bring another Democrat stooge back into the White House, but they realized that a four-year disruption in their control of our foreign relation policies could play havoc with the progress of their conspiracy. It could even break up their entire strategy as it almost did before Roosevelt saved it with his recognition of the Stalin regime.
Thereupon, after that Wilson debacle, they began to formulate plans to achieve control of both of our national parties. But that posed a problem for them. Manpower. Stooges in the Republican Party. Also added manpower for the Democratic Party, because control of just the man in the White House would not be enough. They would have to provide that man with trained stooges for his entire cabinet, men to head the State Department, the Treasury Department, the Pentagon, the CFR, the USIA, etc.
In short, every member of the various cabinets would have to be a chosen tool of the CFR, such as Rusk and McNamara, also all the under secretaries and assistant secretaries. That would give the conspirators absolute control of all our policies, both domestic and most important, foreign. That course of action would require a reserve pool of trained stooges, instantaneously ready for administrative changes and for all other exigencies.
All such stooges would of necessity have to be men of national reputation, high in the esteem of the people, but they would have to be men without honor, without scruple, without conscience-- men who would be vulnerable to blackmail. It is needless for me to stress how well the CFR succeeded. The immortal Joe McCarthy fully revealed that there are thousands of such security risks in all federal agencies.
Scott MacLeod unmasked thousands more, and you know the price Ortepta has had to pay, and is still paying, for his expositions before a Senate Committee of the traitors in the State Department. And you know that the men in the State Department, who delivered Cuba to Castro, have not only been shielded, but promoted.
[Part 6]
Now let's go back to the crux of the whole one-world government plot and the maneuvering necessary to create another League of Nations to house such a government.
As I have already stated, the conspirators knew that only another world war was vital for the success of their plot. It would have to be such a horrifying world war that the peoples of the world would cry out for the creation of some kind of a world organization that could assure everlasting peace. But how could such a war be brought about? All the European nations were at peace. None had any quarrels with their neighboring nations, and certainly their stooges in Moscow wouldn't dare to start a war. Even Stalin realized that it would mean the overthrow of his regime unless, so-called patriotism would weld the Russian people behind him.
But the conspirators had to have a war. They had to find or create some kind of an incident to launch it. And they found it, in a little inconspicuous and repulsive little man who called himself Adolf Hitler.
Hitler, an impecunious Austrian house painter, had been a corporal in the German army. He made the defeat of Germany into a personal grievance. He began to rabble rouse about it in the Munich, Germany area. He began to spout about restoring the greatness of the German Empire and the might of the German soldiery. He advocated the restoration of the old German military to be used to conquer the whole world. Strangely enough, Hitler, the little clown that he was, could deliver a rabble rousing speech and he did have a certain kind of magnetism. But the new authorities in Germany didn't want anymore wars and they promptly threw the obnoxious Austrian house painter into a prison cell.
Aha! Here was the man, decided the conspirators, who, properly directed and financed, could be the key to another world war. So while he was in prison, they had Rudolph Hess and Goering write a book which they titled Mein Kompf and attributed the authorship to Hitler, exactly as Lipdenoff wrote Mission to Moscow and attributed the authorship to Joseph Davies, then our ambassador to Russia and a stooge of the CFR. In Mein Kompf, Hitler, the pseudo-author, outlined his grievances and how he would restore the German people to their former greatness.
The conspirators then arranged for a wide circulation of the book among the German people in order to arouse a fanatical following for him. On his release from prison (also arranged by the conspirators), they began to groom him and finance him to travel to other parts of Germany to deliver his rabble rousing speeches. Soon he gathered a growing following among other veterans of the war and that soon spread to the masses who began to see in him a saviour for their beloved Germany.
Then came his leadership of what he called his 'brown shirt army' and the march on Berlin. That required a great deal of financing, but the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, and others of the conspirators provided all the money he needed. Gradually Hitler became the idol of the German people and then they overthrew the Von Hindenburg government and Hitler became the new Fuhrer. But that still was no reason for a war.
The rest of the world watched Hitler's rise, but saw no reason to interfere in what was distinctly a domestic condition within Germany. Certainly none of the other Nations felt it was a reason for another war against Germany and the German people were not yet incited into enough of a frenzy to commit any acts against any neighboring nation, not even against France, that would lead to a war. The conspirators realized they would have to create such a frenzy-- a frenzy that would cause the German people to throw caution to the winds and at the same time, horrify the whole world. And incidentally, Mein Kompf was actually a follow-up of Karl Marx's book A World Without Jews.
The conspirators suddenly remembered how the Schiff-Rothschild gang had engineered the pogroms in Russia which slaughtered many, many thousands of Jews and created a world-wide hatred for Russia and they decided to use that same unconscionable trick to inflame the new Hitler-led German people into a murderous hatred of the Jews.
Now it is true that the German people never had any particular affection for the Jews, but neither did they have an ingrained hatred for them. Such a hatred would have to be manufactured, so Hitler was to create it. This idea more than appealed to Hitler. He saw in it the grisly gimmick to make him the God-man of the German people.
Thus craftily inspired and coached by his financial advisers, the Warburgs, Rothschilds, and all the Illuminati masterminds, he blamed the Jews for the hated Versailles Treaty and for the financial ruination that followed the war. The rest is history. We know all about the Hitler concentration camps and the incineration of hundreds of thousands of Jews. Not the 6,000,000 nor even the 600,000 claimed by the conspirators, but it was enough.
And here let me reiterate how little the internationalist bankers, the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Lehmans, Warburgs, Barouks, care about their racial brethren who were the victims of their nefarious schemes. In their eyes, the slaughter of the several hundred thousand innocent Jews by Hitler didn't bother them at all. They considered it a necessary sacrifice to further their Illuminati one-world plot just as the slaughter of the many millions in the wars that followed, was a similar necessary sacrifice. And here is another grisly detail about those concentration camps. Many of the Hitler soldier executioners in those camps had previously been sent to Russia to acquire their arts of torture and brutalization, so as to emphasize the horrors of the atrocities.
All this created a new world-wide hatred for the German people, but it still did not provide a cause for a war. Thereupon Hitler was incited to demand the Sudetenland. You remember how Chamberlain, and the then diplomats of Czechoslovakia and France, surrendered to that demand. That led to further Hitlerian demands for territories in Poland and in the French Saar territories. Those demands were rejected.
Then came his pact with Stalin. Hitler had been screaming hatred against communism. Oh how he ranted against communism! But actually nazism was nothing but socialism, and communism is, in fact, socialism. But Hitler disregarded all that. He entered into a pact with Stalin to attack and divide Poland between them. While Stalin marched into one part of Poland (for which he was never blamed-- the Illuminati masterminds saw to that), Hitler launched a blitzkrieg on Poland from his side. The conspirators finally had their new world war. And what a horrible war it was!
And in 1945, the conspirators finally achieved the United Nations, their new housing for their one-world government. And truly amazing, all of the American people hailed this foul outfit as a holy of holies. Even after all the true facts about how the UN was created were revealed, the American people continued to worship that evil outfit. Even after Alger Hiss was unmasked as a Soviet spy and traitor, the American people continued to believe in the UN.
Even after I had publicly revealed the secret agreement between Hiss and Molotov, that a Russian would always be the head of military secretariat and by that token, the real master of the UN, most of the American people continued to believe that the UN could do no wrong. Even after Trig D. Lee, the first Secretary general of the UN confirmed that Hiss-Molotov secret agreement in his book "For the Cause of Peace", the vast majority of our people refused to loose faith in the UN.
Even after the truth about the Korean war was revealed, how the Russian General Varsilius, head of that UN military secretariat was given a leave of absence by the UN so that he could take command of the North Koreans and Red Chinese who were fighting the so-called UN police action under our own General McArthur, who, by order of the UN, was fired by the pusillanimous Truman in order to prevent his winning that war, our people still believed in the UN despite our 150,000 sons who were murdered and maimed in that war, the people continued to regard the UN as a sure means for peace.
Even after it was revealed in 1951 that the UN, using our own American soldiers under UN command, under UN flag, in collusion with our traitorous State Department and the Pentagon had been invading many small cities in California and Texas in order to perfect their plan for the complete takeover of our country, most of our people brushed it off and continued their belief that the UN is a holy of holies.
Do you know that the UN Charter was written by traitor Alger Hiss, Molotov, and Vyshinsky? That Hiss and Molotov had made that secret agreement that the military chief of the UN was always to be a Russian appointed by Moscow? Do you know that at their secret meetings at Yalta, Roosevelt and Stalin, at the behest of the Illuminati operating as the CFR, decided that the UN must be placed on American soil?
Do you know that most of the UN Charter was copied intact, word for word, from the Marx Manifesto and the Russian, so-called constitution? Do you know that the only two Senators who voted against the UN so-called treaty, were the only two Senators who had read it? Do you know that since the UN was founded, communist enslavement has grown from 250,000,000 to 1,000,000,000?
Do you know that since the UN was founded to insure peace, there have been at least 20 major wars incited by the UN, just as they are now inciting a war against Middle Rhodesia? Do you know that under the UN set up, the American taxpayers have been forced to make up the UN Treasury deficit of many millions of dollars because of Russia's refusal to pay her share? Do you know that the UN has never passed a resolution condemning Russia or her so-called satellites, but always condemns our Allies?
Do you know that J. Edgar Hoover said the overwhelming majority of the communist delegations to the UN are espionage agents and now 66 Senators voted for a Consular Treaty to open our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs? Do you know that the UN helps Russia's conquest of the world by preventing the free world from taking any action whatsoever except to debate each new aggression in the UN General Assembly?
Do you know that at the time of the Korean War there were 60 Nations in the UN, yet 95% of the UN forces were our American sons and practically 100% of the cost was paid by the United States taxpayers?
And surely you know that the UN policy during the Korean and Vietnam Wars was to prevent us from winning that wars? Do you know that all the battle plans of General McArthur had to go first to the UN to be relayed to Varsilius, Commander of the North Koreans and Red Chinese, and that any future wars fought by our sons under the UN flag would have to be fought under the control of the UN Security Council?
Do you know that the UN has never done anything about the 80,000 Russian Mongolian troops that occupy Hungary?
Where was the UN when the Hungarian freedom fighters were slaughtered by the Russians? Do you know that the UN and its peace army turned the Congo over to the communists? Do you know that the UN's own so-called peace force was used to crush, rape, and kill the white anti-communists in Katanga?
Do you know that the UN stood by and did nothing while Red China invaded Laos and Vietnam? That it did nothing while Nehru invaded Goe and other Portuguese territories? Do you know that the UN was directly responsible for aiding Castro? That it does absolutely nothing about the many thousands of Cuban youngsters who are shipped to Russia for communist indoctrination.
Do you know that Adlai Stevenson, of all people, said the free world must expect to lose more and more decisions in the UN. Do you know that the UN openly proclaims that its chief objective is a one-world government which means one-world laws, one-world court, one-world army, one-world navy, one-world air-force, one-world schools, and a one-world church in which Christianity would be prohibited?
Do you know that a UN law has been passed to disarm all American citizens and to transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Such a law was secretly signed by 'saint' Jack Kennedy in 1961. Do you realize how that fits in with Article 47, paragraph 3, of the UN Charter, which states, I quote: "the military staff committee of the UN shall be responsible through the Security Council for the strategic direction of all armed forces placed at the disposal of the Security Council." And when and if all our armed forces are transferred to the UN, your sons would be forced to serve and die under UN command all over the world. This will happen unless you fight to get the US out of the UN.
Do you know that Congressmen James B. Utt has submitted a bill to get the US out of the UN and a resolution to prevent our President from forcing us to support the UN embargoes on Rhodesia? Well, he has. And many people all over the country are writing to their representatives to support the Utt bill and resolution. And did you know that to off-set the Utt bill and resolution, fifty Congressmen, spear-headed by Schweiker and Moorhead of Pennsylvania, have introduced a bill to immediately transfer all our armed forces to the UN? Can you imagine such brazen treason? Is your Congressman one of those fifty traitors? Find out and take immediate action against him and help Congressman Utt.
Now do you know that the National Council of Churches passed a resolution in San Francisco which states that the United States will soon have to subordinate its will to that of the UN and that all American citizens must be prepared to accept it? Is your church a member of the National Council of Churches? In connection with that, bear in mind that God is never mentioned in the UN Charter and their meetings are never opened with prayer. The creators of the UN stipulated in advance that there should be no mention of God or Jesus Christ in the UN Charter or in its UN headquarters. Does your pastor subscribe to that? Find out!
Furthermore, do you know that the great majority of the so-called nations in the UN are anti-christianity, that the UN is a completely godless organization by orders of its creators, the CFR Illuminati. Have you heard enough of the truth the Illuminati's United Nations? Do you want to leave your sons and our precious country to the unholy mercy of the Illuminati's United Nations?
If you don't, write, telegraph, or phone your Representatives and Senators that they must support Congressman Utt's bill to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Do it today, now, before you forget! It is the only salvation for your sons and for our country.
[4. Destroy religion.]
Now I have one more vital message to deliver. As I told you, one of the four specific assignments Rothschild gave Jacob Schiff was to create a movement to destroy religion in the United States with Christianity to be the chief target. For a very obvious reason, the Anti-Defamation League wouldn't dare to attempt it because such an attempt could create the most terrible blood bath in the history of the world, not only for the ADL and the conspirators, but for the millions of innocent Jews.
Schiff turned that job over to Rockefeller for another specific reason. The destruction of Christianity could be accomplished only by those who are entrusted to preserve it. By the pastors-- the men of the cloth.
As a starter, John D. Rockefeller picked up a young, so-called, Christian minister by the name of Dr. Harry F. Ward-- Reverend Ward if you please. At that time he was teaching religion at the Union Theological Seminary. Rockefeller found a very willing 'Judas' in this Reverend and thereupon in 1907, he financed him to set up the Methodist Foundation of Social Service and Ward's job was to teach bright young men to become, so-called ministers of Christ and to place them as pastors of churches.
While teaching them to become ministers, the Reverend Ward also taught them how to subtly and craftily preach to their congregations that the entire story of Christ was a myth to cast doubts on the divinity of Christ, to cast doubts about the virgin Mary-- in short, to cast doubts on Christianity as a whole. It was not to be a direct attack, but much of it to be done by crafty insinuation that was to be applied, in particular, to the youth in the Sunday schools.
Remember Lenin's statement, "Give me just one generation of youth and I'll transform the whole world." Then in 1908, the Methodist Foundation of Social Service, which incidentally was America's first communist front organization, changed its name to the Federal Council of Churches. By 1950, the Federal Council of Churches was becoming very suspect so in 1950 they changed the name to the National Council of Churches.
Do I have to tell you more about how this National Council of Churches is deliberately destroying faith in Christianity? I don't think so. But this I will tell you. If you are a member of any congregation whose pastor and church are members of this Judas organization, you-- your contributions-- are helping the Illuminati's plot to destroy Christianity and your faith in God and Jesus Christ thus you are deliberately delivering your children to be indoctrinated with disbelief in God and Church and which can easily transform them into atheists.
Find out immediately if your Church is a member of the National Council of Churches and, for the love of God and your children, if it is, withdraw from it at once. However, let me warn you that the same destroy-religion process has been infiltrated into other denominations. If you have seen the Negro march on Selma and other such demonstrations, you have seen how the Negro mobs are led and encouraged by ministers, and even Catholic priests and nuns, who march along with them. As a matter of fact, the Mormon Church is about the only one I know of that is clean of that kind of Judas infiltration.
Of course there are many individual churches and pastors who are honest and sincere. Find one such for yourself and for your children. Incidentally, this same Reverend Harry F. Ward was also one of the founders of the American Civil Liberties Union, a notorious pro-communist organization. He was the actual head of it from 1920 to 1940. He also was a co-founder of the American League Against War and Fascism which, under Browder, became the Communist Party of the United States.
In short, Ward's entire background reeked of communism and he was identified as a member of the communist party. He died a vicious traitor to both his church and country. And this was the man old John D. Rockefeller picked and financed to destroy America's Christian religion in accordance with the orders given to Schiff by the Rothschilds.
In conclusion I have this to say: You probably are familiar with the story of how one Dr. Frankenstein created a monster to do his will of destroying his chosen victims but how instead in the end, that monster turned on his own creator, Frankenstein, and destroyed him. Well, the Illuminati CFR has created a monster called the United Nations, who is supported by their minority groups, rioting negroes, the traitorous mass communications media, and the traitors in Washington was created to destroy the American people.
We know all about that many-headed hydra-monster and we know the names of those who created that monster. We know all their names and I predict that one fine day the American people will come fully awake and cause that very monster to destroy its creator. True! The majority of our people are still being brainwashed, deceived, and deluded by our traitorous press, TV, and radio, and by our traitors in Washington, but surely by now enough is known about the UN to stamp out that outfit as a deadly poisonous rattlesnake in our midst.
My only wonder, is what it will take to awaken and arouse our people to the full proof? Perhaps this record will do it. A hundred thousand or a million copies of this record can do it. I pray to God it will. And I pray to Him to inspire you, all of you, to spread this story via this record, to all loyal Americans in your community.
You can do it by playing it to study groups assembled in your homes, at meetings of the American Legion, the VFW, the DAR, all other civic groups and women's clubs-- especially the women's clubs who have their sons lives at stake. With this record, I have provided you with the weapon that will destroy the monster. For the love of God, of our Country, and of your children, use it! Get a copy of it into every American home.
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